Chapter 4

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It's been a month since the school year started and our biology test was right around the corner, it was a big deal for Noah and I because if we wanted to go to Oxford for a medicine degree, these tests were really important for our future.

"Would you like to come home and study?"; I asked him while we were walking, holding hands, through the hallway; since my parents knew about our relationship there was no need of keep hiding from them.

"I don't know, are we going to study?"; he said giving me a mysterious look.

"Most of the time"; I said laughing and holding him closer to me.

"OK, I will, but I'll chose the music and the snacks"; I laughed once again, I liked being Noah's girlfriend but I loved being his friend. We kept walking thought the hallways as I heard my WhatsApp notification, it was Leo, he sent me a meme so I opened it and laughed.

"What?"; Noah asked curious.

"Nothing, just a meme someone sent me"

"Who's Leo?"; Noah asked after taking a quick look at my cellphone.

"It's my Spanish partner"; I didn't tell him about Leo because it wasn't a big deal, he was just a boy, we've been talking for a while but he was just a friend.

"I thought you worked alone..."

"He's new that's why we sit together"; I was starting to feel uncomfortable with Noah's questions.

"And why didn't you tell me?"

"It's not a big deal"

"Yes, it is if it's a boy"

"Are you jealous?"; I stopped walking and stood in front of him after releasing his hand.

"I don't know how you talk to other boys, you just hang with me and Andy"

"So I can't have friends?!"

"I never said you can't have friends"

"So I can, as long as they don't have dicks and you approve them first"; Noah and I weren't used to fight, not even as friends, but I guess things change.

"OK, I'm sorry, I got a little bit jealous. You're right, it's not of my business if you want to make friends"; that fucking look, he looked at me with those beautiful puppy eyes making me forget everything just happened.

"I should have told you about Leo, I'm sorry for hiding it, I swear he's just a friend"; he got closer to me once again and gave me a little kiss in my lips; I decided to forget what happened and gave him a hug. 

I never saw Noah's jealous side, he was protective with me but he never tried to scare any guy who wanted to talk to me, I also think that nobody comes closer to me because I spend a lot of time with Andrew and Noah, so everybody thought I was going to end up with either of them.

"Hey guys! They're giving cupcakes at the cafeteria, we should hurry up"; Andy kind of interrupted the moment and made us run to the cafeteria. We grabbed our lunches and sat at our table, we talked about our days and decided to meet on the weekend.

I have to say that after becoming Noah's girlfriend our dynamic trio changed, I had to act with Noah as a couple and with Andrew as friends; instead of hanging together on weekends, I used to be with Noah at my house or at his house, and other days I would be with Andy and go to the movies or to eat something; we kind of grew apart but we still were friends despite everything.


After my first conversation with Riley and after our lunch together we only got closer and closer, she even introduced me to her friends; Mia and Lila were her bestfriends, the three of them were like the most popular girls in our grade, everyone wanted to be part of  the trio; then we had Lucas and Sebastian, Lucas was a great friend and he made me feel welcome, but Sebastian was and asshole, he and  Riley used to be a thing and now that I was becoming a thing with her, he was jealous.

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