Chapter 13

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Last week was fun, I studied three days with Noah and, beside feeling more confident at school, I enjoyed each and every hour we spent together; he was a great teacher but I prefer his kisses. I talked to Anni a lot too, she thought that my good mood was because of Riley and that I was hanging with her more often, she was in a great mood too and I knew that it was because of Leo. Leo seemed a nice guy and it felt like Anni was starting to actually feel something for him, but she keeps avoiding the subject.

I thought about it and even though I knew Anni's secret with Leo, I couldn't talk about it with Noah; first of all, it's non of my business; and second of all, if Anni and Noah break-up or have a fight I might be the last person he would want to see, so let's just keep it this way and continue with our lives.

My chemistry class finished and I thanked God for that, I was on my way to the cafeteria but someone touched my shoulder and when I turned around Riley surprised me.

"Hi stranger! I haven't seen you in a while, what happened?"; she talked to me in her usual good mood but with a trace of confusion.

"Hi! Well I've been busy with homework and stuff"

"Wow, I never thought you were going to be busy with homework"

"You'll have to believe it, I actually have a really good tutor who helps me so I won't ask for your homework any more"; I laughed but Riley seemed kind of sad.

"I didn't really mind, it was an excuse to talk to you and I'm glad to help you with anything you need"; after that I just smiled awkwardly, Riley was nice but I have to admit I'm not into her like before. "Anyway, we should do something fun this weekend, maybe we can go to the movies or something"

"Yeah, that sounds good"; in my mind I thanked her for changing the subject.

"I have an idea! why don't we have a double date with your sister and Noah?"; that's a terrible idea!!!

"Yeah, why not. I'll talk to Anni about it"; I wasn't going to be able to hang with Riley, Anni and my sister's boyfriend, specially when I've been kissing the guy for a week now. I knew Anni already had plans with Leo for this weekend, but I couldn't say no to Riley because I can't afford loosing her friendship, she's my alibi when I talk to Anni about my good mood and with who I talk all the time.

"Great! I have to talk to Mia, see you at our table"; she gave me a kiss on the cheek and walked the other way.

"See you..."; she left and I walked fast to find Anni before getting to the cafeteria.


I love biology, it was my favorite subject and spending an hour learning about what we liked and just imagining my future in this was amazing. After the bell rang I was going to walk with Noah to the cafeteria, but he said he was going to look for Andrew, so I told him we would meet at our table and I made my way there.

I was walking to the cafeteria, minding my own business, until I felt someone grabbing my arm; it scared me so I was about to beat the shit out of that person, but I recognized him and it was Jude, so I asked him what the hell was happening.

"We have a little problem"; he said, still holding my arm while we were walking to the cafeteria.

"What happened?"; I asked a bit concerned.

"Riley wants us to have a double date with you and Noah this weekend"

"But I have plans..."

"I know but I don't know how to say 'no' to her, and I was really hoping we could be together this weekend"; I knew that Jude had feelings for Riley and that he was too shy to ask her to be his girlfriend, but I had plans with Leo that night, so I had to figure something out.

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