Chapter 15

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"In this world, it's just us. You know it's not the same as it was

In this world, it's just us. You know it's not the same as it was

As it was, as it was. You know it's not the same"

Harry you're so damn right, it's not the same as it was...

I was laying on bed listening to music with my headphones on, I have the mania of getting obsessed  with a song and listen to it hundreds of times so, if I don't want to drive my parents nuts, I'll have to keep my Spotify to myself. I didn't have Spanish class because of a holiday and I finished my homework early so I decided to just chill and relax a little bit.

I could have done something with Leo like going to watch that movie we talked about, or eat some chunk food so after we would swear for Ashton from 5SOS we are starting the diet on Monday; but he had a family thing. I could have done something with Noah but he was busy and we had a little fight early at school, again, so it's better if we have time to think about it alone.

The song was starting again but it got interrupted with an incoming call, before looking at the screen I thought it was Noah that wanted to talk, but I kind of hoped it would be Leo and that thought scared me; I grabbed my cellphone and it was neither of them.

"Please tell me it's something important, I was listening to Harry Styles"

"It is important and we will need Harry Styles for this"; Andrew sounded serious so maybe this was important. "I need your help searching for a song"

"A song for what?"; I said sitting up on my bed.

"I wanted to learn a song by an ex-One Direction so I could play it to Camila on her birthday. I don't know who the guy is but, she says he has the most beautiful blue eyes she's ever seen, which doesn't threat my self-confidence at all..."

"Wait a minute, you want to do what?!"; I wasn't sure if he was talking seriously but I knew it wasn't a good idea. "First of all, I think you're a cheesy bastard and I like that side of you; second of all, you need to be careful with dedicating a girl her favorite song; and last, when is her birthday?"

"In three months"

"Are you serious?!"; what is going on in this kid's brain... "Are you sure you want to do this?"

"Being honest I don't know, I want her to want me back and see that I'm worthy and that I can be anyone she wants me to be..."; I never saw this side of Andrew because he's never been the romantic kind, but maybe he was changing.

"Bro, not everything is about changing, you can't be a new person for her, you just need to be a better person for her but you have to love that change; I think is early to know if you're in love but if you really like her and you feel that she likes you back then, things will just flow, don't rush things, enjoy the moment and the process, and when you feel she's special because she makes you feel special then you're in the right place"

"That sounds difficult, I guess we just need more time"

"It's not always about time, sometimes it just happens, it's like an idea that pop's up in your head and suddenly you feel happy to be with that person, you forget about everything and everyone, your only goal is to make them laugh and love when you finally have a connection, and have your 'thing', or your song, or your tv show and inside jokes. Time is relative and sometimes you don't need eight months to have that..."; shit, I realized I wasn't talking to Andrew at all, I was kind of talking to myself and about my situation, it scares me to admit that I might be thinking on ending things with Noah, but is difficult to finish what we have.

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