Chapter 1

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Yeah... Jack could have fit on the door with Rose... But maybe it wasn't a matter of space, it was a matter of weight, at the end maybe Rose wasn't the bad guy at all, and maybe Jack's love for her was bigger than the door...

My alarm started ringing and I forgot my non sense thoughts to start the day, I turned it off and stood up from bed to go to the bathroom so I could take a shower, it was my first day as a senior and I just could feel the nostalgia growing up in my body. I felt stressed and excited too, I had a feeling that this year may change many things for me; anyway, my last year at high school will be great and I was going to make sure of that.

After washing my sorrows I went to my bedroom so I could dress up, I chose a nice outfit, something casual but according to the occasion; I went down the stairs and walked to the kitchen to meet my dad for breakfast. I found him with his cellphone and eggs, he was an important businessman so being with his cellphone, checking messages and answering mails, all the time was normal for me.

"Morning dad"; I gave him a little hug and walked to the counter for some coffee.

"Hey buddy, ready for your first day as a senior?"; he served eggs and beacon on a plate and put them on my place at the table.

"Yeah, it's exciting. I feel like this will be my year, I think that something great will happen and will change all my life..."; I sat at the table and started with my breakfast.

"Well, as long as you keep your GPA, everything will be fine. Just don't get too exited with the idea of change"

"Sure dad"; it's difficult to talk about these things with my dad, he usually guides himself by the logic and it was my mom with who I could talk about feelings and things beyond logic. "Will you be here for dinner?"; I asked changing the subject.

"No, I have an important meeting at 7:30 so I won't make it"; I just lowered my gaze, I love my dad but I wish I could have him around more often. "Hey... Let's make a deal, why don't we go for dinner this Saturday, so you can tell me how your first week went"

"Yeah, that sounds good"; I smiled at him and took my plate to the sink.

"Don't forget to sign up to clubs for extra credit "

"OK dad"

"And talk to your teachers, try to get as much recommendation letters as you can"

"Yes, sure... I should get going"

"OK, have a nice day"

I grabbed my backpack and walked to the front yard searching for my keys in my jacket pocket, I entered to my car and started driving to high school.


I finished with my hair and went downstairs to have breakfast with my family, my mother and father were already at the table drinking coffee holding their hands, I sat and Nini, our maid, gave me my breakfast. I finished it and grabbed my backpack to get to the car, my mother and I were already in while my father yelled at my brother so he could hurry up.

I have a nice relationship with my family; my mother is the nicest person in the world, I can talk to her about girl things and love stuff; her and my father are the perfect couple, my father is a great man, thanks to him we have everything and as her little princess he always makes me feel loved and appreciated; my brother is my brother, after he was sent to boarding school a few years ago we lost our connection, I remember being close to him when we were kids, we were bestfriends but now all we do is ignore each other and fight when we are together.

After a few minutes in the driveway we finally arrived at school, I was excited to start my last year in high school, I was excited to prepare everything for college and spend my days with my bestfriend Andrew and my beautiful boyfriend Noah. My parents loved to drive me the first day of school, they loved to give me the parents speech; and now they would give it to me and my brother.

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