Hello Stranger!

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It all started with his assistant-slash-best friend's annoying persistence.

"It's called Omegle." Naruto informs him one day as he follows him to his private lounge.

"I heard you the first time. I just don't care." He deadpans, walking straight towards the leather couch.

Uchiha Sasuke or more famously known as 'Ryosuke' in public shut his eyes close, arm resting over his forehead, and pretends he doesn't hear the loud exasperated groan that fills the room. He wonders if he should be thankful that Naruto hasn't resigned yet, or be annoyed at the fact that he treats him like a regular person, and not his boss.

Living the life of a celebrity, is a path he hadn't intended to take. It strays away from the wishes of his father, away from his family's expectations who owns a part of the city's business empire. However, music has always been his passion since he was a child. Despite his father's immense pressure to take up his mantle, he only needed to hear his older brother's encouragement to pursue his dream.

His mother, ever the supportive one has quickly introduced him to people that has helped him jumpstart his music career. Up until now, they are still part of his crew. She also made sure that his management strictly separates his personal life from his celebrity persona. Hence his Uchiha lineage is a well-kept secret from public knowledge.

It was something he is often grateful for.

His succession steadily grows. His music topping the music charts, the never-ending invitations for various gigs, guestings and advertisements has led him to climb up on the public's attention quite easily and in just a year has made a name for himself, and a tour underway.

However, one problem still lies.

Crowds still mentally exhaust him and often force him to keep up a facade.

That's why his tours, despite a hundred percent sold out rate based on statistics, rarely offer meets and greets because of his stoic nature.

"Come on, teme! Just give it a try." The blond tries again, his cerulean eyes literally begging him.

"It's a waste of time." He responds without moving.

"It's a way to practice your fucking social skills."

Sasuke glares at him.

Naruto frantically waves his arms. "You chat with someone anonymously. There's nothing to lose."

But Sasuke slouches further into the sofa, praying to the gods he drops the subject because he had no intention of trying it. Ever.

"That way you know how to interact with people normally instead of grunting at them most of fucking time. I get tired doing PR shits for you when you can be doing it on your own." He continues his lectures, now standing in front of his friend. While Sasuke sometimes heeded their requests, Naruto was often left taking care of the audience who wished to see more glimpses of their beloved Ryosuke.

"Then resign." The raven-haired singer mutters.

"I need this job asshole." He hisses.

"Then don't."

Naruto pulls his hair in frustration. This guy is just impossible. And he can't believe he still has the patience to put up with his stubbornness.

"Good god teme, we can't always postpone your meet and greets just because you're feeling antisocial."

"Hn." He grunts. "Whatever."

Naruto howls in frustration. A curse is about to leave his mouth when he hears a beep from his walkie-talkie. It is the manager, who calls for his presence right away.

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