Chapter 13

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"Don't you dare say goody again," I tell Tay as we drive through the entrance of Yosemite, because she has the same excited expression as when I said I'd do the show.

"I was going to say, 'it's awe-inspiring.'"

"Awe- inspiring is fine, just not goody."

"Are you ever going to get over it? Because you know what, Freddie? There are worse things than a date with a hot Italian. Way worse. Like a boyfriend who cheats on you."

Her reminder makes me feel like a shit heel. I've been so focused on my own angst that I'd forgotten about hers. She's right – her cheating boyfriend is worse. And, in all honesty, I wanted a second date. Any second date would break the curse, but one with Antonio is especially appealing, and that's what I've got.

I just didn't want it to be a Reality TV date. Picky, picky. Is that too much to ask? Considering my track record, maybe it is.

I pull my car up to the small parking area reserved for the show. The crew is setting up in Yosemite Valley, one of the most popular destinations in the park. All the landmarks are visible from this spot: El Capitan, Half Dome, and off in the distance, Bridalveil Fall. It's also the height of tourist season—hell, it took more than an hour just to get to the entrance—so there will be a crowd today. While that's great PR for the show, it'll make the crowd control portion of my job a bitch.

Nicky is already standing with Antonio. That's a no-no. Hiking boots on her feet and black coffee in hand. She bubbles laughter at something he said. She's cute. Teeny tiny, barely five feet tall and not a hundred pounds, even if she stood directly under the falls.

I face Taylor. "I need to go check on our stars. Make sure they have everything they need."

"Okay, later. I'm happy to explore," she says without taking her eyes off the towering wall of rock.

As I walk toward the pair, Nicky notices me. "Hey Freddie! You made it."

"Yeah, that traffic ..." I roll my eyes to show disgust and she laughs. Honestly, if we were meeting under a different set of circumstances, I could see us becoming friends. Unfortunately, there'd always be this secret between us. I didn't pick her because she was a great match for Antonio. I picked her because, well, just look at this scenery. It'll be the most stunningly beautiful episode of The Matchmaker.

"Antonio was just saying how it reminds him of a spot in Italy."

I raise one eyebrow at him. That was what he said about the ocean before the filming with Astrid.

"Cascata del Rio Verde. It's our tallest..." He makes a waterfall motion with his hands. "Not nearly as beautiful as that one."

Cascata. "The name is more beautiful, though." There's an awkward pause, and I barrel on ahead. "I wanted to see if there's anything you two need before Phil calls a meeting to go over today's schedule. Coffee?"

Nicky wiggles her glass. "I already have mine. Thanks."


"Yes, please."

I turn to leave, and Antonio rests his hand on my forearm, pretty much leaving second degree burns from the sizzle of his fingers. "No, wait. I'll go with you Frederica."

I melt. I love the way he says my name, the trill, the musicality of it combined with the heat from his hands. How will I ever cope being on camera with him for all those hours? I suspect our date will reveal to the world my status as a social bungler.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2020 ⏰

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