Chapter 8

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During the break they touch up Felicity's make-up and Phil drags me over to the set to make small talk.

"Frederica." Antonio stands and gives me a peck on the cheek. "I hope we'll be able to catch up soon." His eyes are like a puppy dog that's destroyed a pillow, sad and guilty all at once.

"Yes, well, after the filming." I hope ... if I don't have to return to Villa Matchmaker. My voice sounds tense and unfriendly, but I chalk that up to the Samantha crisis.

Phil shakes Antonio's hand. "I know you're friends with Freddie, but we like the contestants to mingle with the studio audience, so during the commercial break ..."

Antonio doesn't hear Phil's directions, or maybe he ignores them. "Felicity told me you wouldn't be on the show."

"I'm not on the show. I'm just working here for ..." I hesitate because I'm not sure how long I'll be here. "Well, for this season, at least."

"I thought you wanted to work for a vineyard."

"I do, but I haven't found a job yet."

He nods and gives me one of his contradictory smiles—boyish and sexy at the same time. Phil announces the break is almost over and everyone scurries back to their places, while the audio engineer counts down to filming.

"Welcome, back. Now Antonio, why don't you tell us why you agreed to be on the show."

"In the town that I'm from. It's small, and there aren't too many—how should I say this?"

"Young women?" Felicity offers.

"There are some young ones. Just not the right ones for me."

"You've never met anyone from your town or anywhere else? I find that hard to believe. I'd expect that you'd get them coming your way from near and far."

"There was one, but it didn't work."

"She broke your heart?"

Antonio seems surprised by this question. He'd been leaning toward Mom and sat back quickly. "Can I pass?"

"You mean not answer the question? Of course. But let me see if I understand the situation. Really, you are looking for a way to connect with a bigger range of choices than you're accustomed to."

"Yes, precisamente. Finding a partner is a necessity for me."

"Good news." Mom leans in and speaks in a conspiratorial tone, "Did you know I have many happy marriages to my credit?"

Antonio smiles and winks. Oh my God. He winked. "I have heard that," he replies.

"One more question, Antonio. If you are from a small town in Italy, and you make a match with someone from the U.S., how will you make it work?"

Great question, Mom. Antonio doesn't respond right away, and I feel apprehensive about his reply. Finally, he says, "I am very serious about making a match. It would be very important to me that she would be open to moving to Italy. My family business is there."

"I commend your honesty, Antonio."


And, there it is. I was right about the fact that he's looking for something more serious than what I want, which mostly involves rolling around in silk sheets. The comment about moving to Italy is strange. I plan to work in Napa or Sonoma. It's unlikely anything would work with us. So, why do I hang on his every word?

Mom leans in and takes Antonio's hand. "Are you ready to meet one of your matches? She's in our audience."


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