𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 12

Start from the beginning

" don't go to fast and hit into walls Takako! I don't want either of you hurt!.."
( Name ) would call out happily as she'd just listen to Takako's tiny footsteps slowly fade away signalling that he and Bon-Bon were off to do what they needed to do as of right now ( Name ) would just set her laptop up and ready to set up some systems to test Bon-Bon's software and his system. After an hour both Bon-Bon and Takako had gotten back both happily hugging each other as they'd come back to ( Name )..
" fun! Your the best partner I could ask for! "

Takako's cheeks would redden lightly as he'd feel a bit embarrassed about that compliment he had just got from his new partner in crime.
" you really think so? I'll be the best then with you by my side Bon-Bun!.."
The younger male would say as he'd approach ( Name ) who was just waiting for the pair to return.

" welcome back you two I hope you both had a good time? Today you can spend the whole day together."
Takako would just smile again as he'd feel that ( Name ) had brought him the best surprise gift! His own friend one that didn't dare treat him different or anything like his so called ' Friends ' at school did he felt happy for that!.. for once he was really excited to be friends with someone.
" yea and we can sleep together Bon-Bun! I'll protect you from the evil Freddy! "

Bon-Bon would just nod his head happily as he felt a little spark inside himself light up after speaking with this child his whole body felt hot but he liked this feeling he was happy.. or that's what he thought this new feeling inside himself was.
" alright you can watch me and Bon-Bon alright I have to make sure he is all healthy and has no problems alright Takako? "

Takako would just nod as he'd put Bon-Bon down happily next to ( Name ) before he'd watch the female place a couple wires into the animatronic's back.Hooking his system to her laptop starting to look at his codes and much more but she came across some odd kind of code she had never heard of kill mode? What kind of person could come up with this..? Did they program other animatronics like this.. but what was the use in doing that in the first place?.. ( Name ) would just decide that she would active the code for a second to see what it would do but regretted what happened when she felt a small sudden pain crept into her arm.. Bon-Bon had just attacked her biting into her fresh this kill code really was meant to kill whoever the animatronic seen. ( Name ) would just move her arm a bit to hide the wound after Bon-Bon had pulled away from herself so Takako didn't see what horror actually just happened...

( Name ) would look at the code more to see that it had been programmed to activate every day at the same time and ends at the..same time 12am.. to 6am..? A system that seemed to have another code inputted into a code already there.. one thing placed after the other.. a code ( Name ) didn't understand at all no maybe she got a little bit of what it meant but decided that she would rewrite the whole part of this code to make it better. The part ( Name ) understood was ' Kidnap..... One.... Only........after.....One....Bring.... Creator. ' that was the best she could get but without the original creator of this code she clearly wouldn't understand it but she decided to take this code out to place a whole new one in.. this code was simple but hard at the same time she didn't want this other creator to understand her work just in case they do something crazy like that messed up system again.

' Protect children. Have fun. Know feelings.. System check for any kind of Viruses when feeling off. Play. Friendly. And most importantly ask questions... update system safe voice commands by people Bon-Bon trusts no one else. Kid commands questions answer ones that mean no harm. '
" there this should be all good.. alright I'll Wake Bon-Bon up now Takako alright?.."

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