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The girls and boys went to seperate rooms, Ojiro bringing Mineta with his tail. Heading to their respective lockers (except for the babysitters, they just chose any empty ones and claimed them lol), they began to change into their P.E uniforms for training. The heoes, however, just took off unnecessary clothing that might come in the way of their training.

Kaminari went up to the orange capped boy who was busy taking off his orange jacket and tying it around his waist, revealing his black shirt underneath.

Kaminari went up to the orange capped boy who was busy taking off his orange jacket and tying it around his waist, revealing his black shirt underneath

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'Damn, he's hot for a 14 year old.' Kaminari thought, as light pink blush began to spread across his face. He tapped the boy on his shoulder. Boboiboy turned around. He smiled once he met Kaminari's eyes.


"Kaminari. Denki Kaminari."

"Oh right. Uh... yes... Kaminari... kun..?"

Boboiboy winced on the inside. He really needs to read more books on Japanese culture after this.

"I was just wondering if you guys were gonna spar with us?" Kaminari asked, rubbing his neck sheepishly.

Boboiboy's mouth formed into an 'o', his eyes widening in realization. Turning to Fang(who was taking off his coat) he smacked the boy on the head to get his attention.

"Wh- Boboiboy what the fuck?" Fang cursed at the sinnamon roll who was giggling, high fiving with Gopal who was doubling over in laughter.

"Yo, should I use first tier or second tier?" Boboiboy asked the maroon eyed boy, who glared at him in response.

"You smacked me on the head just to ask that?"

The said boy grinned sheepishly in response. "It was the only way I knew that could gain your attention."

Fang sighed. "First. We don't want Blaze burning down the entire school."

Meanwhile, the rest of the boys inside the classroom were visibly confused. Who was Blaze? What was first tier and second tier? What the hell are they talking about?

Some of the smarter ones, however, thought that it probably had to do with Boboiboy's quirk.

"Oh, yeah. But shouldn't Ice be enough?" Gopal chimed in.

Fang and Boboiboy sweatdropped. "Don't you think he'd just sleep through everything?"

"Oh yeah."

"What the fuck are you extras babbling about? Move outta my fucking way!"

Bakugou who had finished changing, pushed the three out of his way, Gopal and Boboiboy stumbling to the floor in process.

Boboiboy growled. "When Thunder gives him a piece of his mind-"

"I'd rather die from Retak'ka."

Gopal smacked Fang's head. "We're supposed to keep that a secret!"

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