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'Saintess, are you sure you are fine?' Nora asked her as she sat on her bed.

'How can I be? Where is he now?'

'He has been staying at the flower house ever since you had that fight,' Nora replied.

'That's good then. I wouldn't want him to see me this way anyway. Make sure there are enough people to protect him,' she said.

'Don't worry about that. The young Lord is protected well,' Nora said.

'That's a relief then. So what has been happening for the past two months?' she asked.

Nora began to tell her the affairs of the palace while she had been asleep. A lot had surely occurred.

'There is a new merchant in the city? Where did he come from?'

'He doesn't mean any harm, Saintess. He gave his tribute the moment he opened his establishment in the city,' Nora said.

'That's good because I wouldn't want anyone to put on airs. I'm not in any mood to shed any blood. I have shed enough already,' she said as she stood on her feet.

'Be careful Saintess, your body isn't well enough.'

'I know my body very well. I just didn't imagine that this time I would sleep for two months. I guess my mother was right back then.'

'We have sent for the divine doctor, the Left Guardian already sent news and said that they will be arriving later today.'

'If that's so then I'm relieved. Prepare me a hot bath and tell the kitchen to prepare some shrimp porridge for me.'

'I will do that immediately,' Nora said and left her alone in her room.

Valery looked around in the room she was now using ever since her mother passed away. It was beautiful, its beauty amazes her every day she stepped into it. Her mother was a very passionate woman who put so much effort into starting this palace. The Lotus palace was started with her blood, sweat and tears and she was going to protect it until the end.

As the Saintess and the mistress of the palace her duties were many. She had to make sure that the palace was well taken care of; the matters of the pugilistic world too and of the normal citizens. The civil population did no harm and rarely caused it but those in her circle were always troublesome.

After the death of her mother she found those who were responsible for poisoning her. They took away the only family she had left with, so she made them suffer something worse than death until they were all gone. After revenging her mother she expanded her palace and ventured into many businesses. Her palace may be feared by everyone but she had people to feed too.

She walked on the narrow aisle that led to the door and stopped into the middle. Her bedroom had two ponds built in it which were separated by the aisle that she was standing on. The ponds contained one huge white lotus flower each. The lotuses had been there before she was born; her power came from them and that was what people thought. They had been many cases where people would break in just to destroy the flowers.

Her mother was surely a crafty person and she admired her for that. She continued with her walk until she left her bedroom. She began to walk in the hallway, passing many disciples who knelt down in respect immediately. As she was walking she met Nora who told her that her bath was ready. Valery followed her and the maids undressed her; Valery climbed down into the huge bath tub filled with scented rose petals and sat down. She closed her eyes and let the herbal water heal her. The maids were busy washing her long hair while the others were busy wiping her body.

THE LEGEND OF THE GOLDEN LOTUS (COMPLETE) WATTY2020Where stories live. Discover now