Chapter 2: Sasuke Uchiha (Naruto)

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I've been thinking about this fic for a while. I had it all played out in my head, but its only now that I actually write it. It was largely inspired by the opening of RWBY Volume 7.

I hope you enjoy it!


Trust Love


"Come on, Sasuke! We'll miss the show if we don't hurry up!"

"Then go by your damn self," Sasuke retorted, "Its not like I wanted to go anyway"

"Honestly you're the only person who decides to study the entire of summer break with no time for fun!" yelled Naruto.

"What's it to you!" Sasuke yelled back. 

"As your best-friend, its up to me to bring some fun into your life," answered Naruto, then mumbling to himself, "Plus your mum sick of you staying in the house all day"

"What was that?"

"To the club!"

~Later at the Club~

Sasuke was bored. Scratch that, he was annoyed beyond belief. He was seated in a booth, nursing a can of root beer, watching Naruto and with a group of their friends dancing on the dance floor. Sasuke knew he was a killjoy when it came to these sort of events, but somehow, Naruto always managed to drag him to them. To make it worse, his mother had colluded with Naruto to get him here!

Sasuke sighed, taking a sip of his drink. As he put the can down, Shikamaru slid into the booth, greeting Sasuke with a nod.

"Can't say I'm surprised to see you here, " Shikamaru said, "What did Naruto do this time to get you out of your house?"

"He teamed up with my mother"

"I can see Naruto doing that," Shikamaru, taking a sip of his drink. 

"What's your story?" Sasuke asked, "I'd expect you to be lazing around on some random bench somewhere"

"That I would," Shikamaru agreed, "But I can't today"


"Temari's performing tonight"

Temari.  A fiery green-eyed blonde that carried a lot of spunk in her stride. She was very vocal about her opinions, didn't take shit from anyone, was fierce when it came to friends and family and overall very outgoing and active. Most surprising, she was Shikamaru's girlfriend. Yeah, that lazy-smart Shikamaru. How he landed Temari as a girlfriend  was still a mystery to everyone amongst them to this day. When asked, Shikamaru would simply reply, "Ah, its too troublesome to explain" and leave it at that.    

"Performing what?" Sasuke asked, genuinely curious.

"Temari's band's playing tonight," Shikamaru replied, "She would kill me if I missed her performance tonight"

"Since when was Temari in a band?"

"I'm not surprised that you don't know," Shikamaru answered, "She's been in one for a year now. Plays the electric guitar. Her and a few friends started it. They've mostly been practising amongst themselves. Today's their first song in front of a live audience"

"Anyone I know a part of the group?"

"Ten-Ten is part of the group. She plays the drums. There's the girl who plays the piano but it's troublesome to remember her. Then there's (Y/N) who's the lead singer and plays the bass"

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2020 ⏰

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