Chapter 6

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P.o.v - (y/n)

"... This is so boring". I thought to my self as present mic taught English, Who would have thought a hero school would have something so normal

I look over and see everyone else barely paying attention except for that black hair girl Momo Yaoyorozu I think was her name I thought as I looked at her suddenly she turned looked back at me and me not knowing what to do smiled at her making her blush and look away but then I felt 2 people glaring at me I look over and see that Izumi was the one of them that was glaring at me I then felt the other one and looked over and saw that it was katsumi also glaring at me while I was confused at why they were both glaring at me.

"Did I do something wrong". I thought to myself while trying to avoid looking at them

Finally the bell rung and we all left for lunch I got food then looked for a table I saw one and walked over there and sat down then I felt a tap on my shoulder.

"Can I sit here". Izumi said while holding her food

"Sure no problem". I said as she sat next to me then I saw Uraraka and lida walking towards us 

"Do you guys have room for 2 more". Uraraka said next to lida 

"Yea, feel free to sit". Izumi said to them 

"So what do you guys think about U.A so far". Uraraka suddenly asked us

"I think it has been great, I didn't know that there were going to be so many pro heroes working here". Izumi said enthusiastically

"I'm not surprised after all U.A is one of the best schools is japan". lida replied 

"I personally don't really care I just joined because izumi wanted to". I said making uraraka and lida surprised

"Wait are you 2 dating". Uraraka asked making izumi blush

"N-no what are you saying we don't like each other in that kind of way". Izumi said while blushing hard

"I thought you liked me Izumi, But I guess I was wrong". I said acting heartbroken by her statement.

"Wait that's not what I meant I do like you (Y/n)". Izumi said thinking I was heartbroken

"So you do like me". I said teasingly making her blush as she realized what she said out loud but before I could tease her more the bell rang signaling that lunch was over and we all headed to our next class finally I thought to myself as it was hero class, We  all sat down but the teacher wasn't here yet but then outside the door I could hear someone.

"I Am Coming Through The Door Like a Normal Person". All Might said as he walked in through the door making everyone excited that All Might was actually a teacher then he continued 

"I Teach Hero Basic Training it's a subject where you wall learn the basics of being a hero, well then lets get onto our first lesson Combat training". He said making Katsumi really excited 

"But before that we have your hero suit here it was based on the request you sent before school started". All Might said making everyone excited, He then told us to meet up at the training ground after we changed


Everyone was done getting dressed as we walked out in our costumes 

Everyone was done getting dressed as we walked out in our costumes 

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