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This is just kinda like how you got to the story part if you know what I'm tryna say

(y/n) - You're Name

(l/n) - Last name

(h/c) - Hair color

(e/c) - Eye Color

Third Person POV -

It was a stormy Evening the rain was falling harshly and it was thundering outside but there was a man sitting on a throne in a dark empty room the suddenly a huge thunder lit up the a room just for a second and it lit up the figure and you could see the figure's eyes glowing menacingly even in the dark it still glowed, 

It was a stormy Evening the rain was falling harshly and it was thundering outside but there was a man sitting on a throne in a dark empty room the suddenly a huge thunder lit up the a room just for a second and it lit up the figure and you could ...

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Those who has seen them before didn't live long enough to tell tales of the horror that has they have witnessed being done by the man but surprisingly the figure was feeling off through the thousands of years he had lived he had never felt this way before.

P.o.v - (y/n)

"What is this feeling, Is this what the human refer to as loneliness". I thought to myself trying to figure out how to stop this, This Feeling Of emptiness that has been slowly growing inside of me for years 

"Perhaps its time I see what the humans have done during my time of disappearance, How long has it been since I've slept, Hundreds perhaps?". I said to myself before standing up from the throne and walked out from my mansion it seems they have built many houses near mine strange how none has touched mine nor took anything from me yet, Doesn't matter either way they would've regret touching what's mine

I began walking into those places with big towers and bright lights, People around me were whispering and muttering about me and how strange I looked I did hear some mention about how I looked like a hero whatever a hero was and some just mentioning how good looking I was, It seems that they have changed what they wear as I look around at what the humans were wearing then to mine.

I began walking into those places with big towers and bright lights, People around me were whispering and muttering about me and how strange I looked I did hear some mention about how I looked like a hero whatever a hero was and some just mentioni...

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It seems that they have changed their clothing over the years I notice a presence following me so I walked into a secluded dark spot and waited for the person to walk by, It seems he finally caught up but what he wasn't expecting was me grabbing his face and throwing him down the area trapping him  turns out it was just a dirty human he soon go up looking mad

"The hell, It seems you're smarter than you look either that or its your quirk". He said confusing me as he said a word I didn't know 

"whatever this 'Quirk' is it must be something interesting". I thought to myself as he continued on

"The hell why aren't you Responding you mute or something?, Or you think you're better than me huh, Doesn't matter after I'm done with you, You'll be dead". He said making me laugh at his threat making him even more mad

 "You know I was going to ask you to hand over your money and I'll let you go but now I've Changed my mind now let's see if you can survive my quirk". He said before a blade popped out a his hand and he began running towards me

"Kneel". I said as he instantly collapsed and kneeled down 

"What the Fuck!, How are you doing this". He said before trying to get up as laughed amused by his attempt to get up as I slowly walk towards him as he began to struggle even harder

"Get away me, What are you going to do to me!". He yelled in vain as I was already front of him I said nothing as I grabbed his head and used my mind control to learn the knowledge about the new things around me

"Interesting, It seems they have evolved stronger yet again". I said thinking through all the new knowledge I had received from this human who was creeped out about my rambling 

"The hell, you did to me you monster", He said making  knocking me out of my thoughts 

"Nothing, I just simply read your mind that's all". I said looking down at him

"And it seems you've lost your usefulness". I said making him afraid 

"Please let me go, I won't rob anyone anymore please let me g-". He begged trying to get away but cut off as I slit his throat with my hand and he grabbed his throat trying to stop the bleeding but it was futile as he began chocking on his own blood before suffocating to death I used my shadow and absorbed his body removing the evidence that anyone was killed 

"It seems that much has changed since I went into sleep but there is still nothing that can cure me of my boredom and loneliness". I thought as I walked around I suddenly overheard a kid who seemed about 10 walking with his mom

"School was really fun today mom, I made so many friends and gosh there are so many things to do". The kid kept rambling on about his day as his mother looked amused by his rambling 

"Hmmm, Maybe this school is what I need". I mutter through myself as I kept walking down the street until a paper flew into my chest I decided to read what was on there until something caught my eyes

"Very Interesting, It seems like my lucky day". I thought to myself as I finish reading the paper

"Aldera Junior High". I muttered before throwing the paper away and kept walking 


This had been remade hope those of you guys that have already read this or new to reading this enjoy.

This had been remade hope those of you guys that have already read this or new to reading this enjoy

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Bloody Hero (BNHA X Vampire Male reader) (Discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now