Chapter 5

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So uhh listen I know um its been a few "days" since I uh updated so I wanna say that I have been busy with school and the e-learning and also summer school so I uh apologize and thanks for those reading 


P.o.v - (y/n)

"So today is the day huh". I said to myself as I got up looking at the date

I got dressed and went out I arrived at izumi's house shortly after, I knocked on her door and her mom opened door.

"Oh  (Y/n) are you here for izumi". She asked 

"yes I am". I replied back as she went inside

"Izumi (Y/n) is here!". she yelled 

"Alright I'll be done soon". I heard izumi yell back 

"Do you wanna come inside while waiting for her". izumi's mom asked 

"O-oh I'll be fine". I replied back as I stood outside waiting

"A few minutes later"

I felt someone tap on my shoulder 

"Oh you ready izumi". I asked her 

"yea I'm really excited I can't believe I got into U.A". She excitedly replied back 

"By the way what class are you in". I asked

"1-A". She replied 

"Guess we're in the same class huh". I said

"Yes". I heard her mutter under her breath

"Oh well then what are you waiting for lets go". I said 

We soon arrived at U.A there were tons of 

"wow its so big". I heard izumi mutter under her breath

"well shall we head in". I asked 

"O-oh sure". She replied back

we walked around looking for our classroom but It was a bit difficult seeing how huge the place is we kept looking until we finally found our classroom.

"so this is it huh". I mutter under my breath

"Wow the door is so big". Izumi said in shock

"I think its so that people with enlargement quirks can use door". I replied back

"well what are we waiting for lets head in". she said

we walked inside and the first thing was the guy with glasses from the entrance exam who yelled at izumi it looks like he yelling at someone else who soon saw that it was katsumi.

"look its highly disrespectful to the upper classmen who used to use these desks as a foot rest and someone may accidentally look up your skirt if you keep sitting like that". He yelled towards katsumi

"Huh what's your problem huh did someone shove a stick up your ass or were you born with it". She replied back

"let's start over I'm tenya lida from soumei high". he replied back

"Soumei huh so you think your better than me, I'm gonna have fun crushing you". She replied back to him

"How vulgar how can you say that to your own classmate are you sure your trying to become a hero". He asked

But then they turned and saw me and izumi by the door way with izumi trying to hide behind me the best she can then the guy with glasses began walking towards us

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