Chapter 4🍑

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Peaches POV:
It's a new day, and I decided to try to get my cora back. I always wanted her back, I loved hitting that baby and I still don't understand why she got taken away from me.

I felt sick so I threw up. Shit I forgot I was pregnant for a second.

'Anyways, I'm really bored' as I thought I felt something crawling in my hair.

I HAVE LICE?! The only thing I thought if was shaving my hair off, so I did.

After I did there was still some white bugs but I ignored it.

I took a bunch of pictures on Instagram and posted it. A lot of my peachlings commented which made me smile.

-time skip brought to you by a crying zoe laverne-

so I got my cora back from killing the baby's keepers or whatever, and I took a bunch of pictures with my baby. I can't wait to hit that child. (Also I don't support peaches abusing cora 😪)

I got home and thought to myself 'should I tell my peachlings im pregnant?'. I sat on my bed for a few moments thinking.

Then I decided I should tell them, so I went live and told them. Everyone was so happy for me! And I also showed them Cora. After 15 minutes of being live I ended it and I got an email, it said "Hey Peaches! It's totally PayPal, this is not a scam. We will let you give out 750 dollars to 100 people in need! Please give out this money, like I said this is totally not a scam ;)" from: Scam Most Likely.

I looked at the email and decided to accept the offer, like they said it's not a scam. So I put the link in my bio and went live blast Nicki. And the next thing you know I fell asleep.

When I woke up the next day, I looked at my phone and realized the live was still going on. So many people we're worried commenting "Is she alive?" "Cora wake peaches up" "Peaches wake tf up". I ended the live and went to the bathroom.

Of course I threw up ugh. But this isn't my first time being pregnant so I'm used to it, it's just I still don't know who is the father of this baby.

Steve POV: I woke up sad, my wife left me and took my kids. Well I guess that's what I get for sleeping with another girl. I sighed, I tried to cheer myself up by watching my favorite show. So I went downstairs, got cereal and watched my show. As I was watching the show I still didn't feel happy, well that's when reality hit. I started crying.... "I can't believe she left me! My children hate me! It's all done for me!". I kept on crying and I couldn't stop. It felt good to let my emotions out, but I was still so fucking mad.

Peaches POV: I decided to go through the guys I've slept with a messaged the guys I recently slept with. There was three of them, so I messaged the first one, "Hey did you use protection?". I waited then I got a text message, it read "Yeah I did." "Ugh dang it!". I sighed, this is gonna be harder than I thought. I messaged the second guy and he said "Yeah, I used protection." I frowned. I turned my phone off and went to the bathroom knowing that shits gonna hurt. As I was done taking my shit I remembered the third guy!

I sadly forgot how he looked up I needa message him. I scrolled through my contacts hoping to find him, I was hoping he didn't block me. And I was also hoping I didn't delete his contact, due to him being rude.

I kept on scrolling and I couldn't find him. He was the random guy I think, I knew the others names but I didn't know his. "Shit I can't find him!" I screamed. Then I sighed, 'Maybe it's not him' I thought.


Hey baddies! Sorry this chapter was short but thanks for reading!

Schools starting up soon and I hope everyone does well.

I love you all <3

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