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"And finally, (y/n) do you take Rick Dalton to be your lawfully wedded husband?" The middle aged priest tilted his head towards me. A blush spread across my cheeks, colliding with the artificial blush I had put on earlier. "I do" I smiled before turning my attention back to the man in front of me.

   Rick of course loved his attention, which is why he was wearing a navy blue suit with baby blue undergarments as opposed to the traditional black. He looked absolutely dashing.

   His hands slid up from my hands along my arm, subtly pulling me towards him. His patience was wearing thin as the man at the head of the alter finally tilted his head with a smile.

   "By the power invested in me, you may now kiss your bride" he smiled at Rick yet before he could finish the last word Rick's lips were already on mine. Flashes and clicks from multiple cameras occupied the small room.

   Our wedding would be a head lining story, we were one of the hottest couples in Hollywood currently.

   Rick grabbed my hand, facing me towards the aisle. We walked down with smiles as a gaze fell upon Cliff and his new girlfriend, Rose. A small gathering is what it was. Rick's eyes widened to the size of baseballs when I had told him an extravagant wedding was the last thing I wanted.

    Francesca and Rick's wedding burned a hole through his wallet. He spent months trying to regain his financial stability after the event.

   All I wanted was our close friends, immediate family, and a little paparazzi of course.

   Rick held me in his arms, bridal style as we burst out the doors of the civil marriage office building in downtown Las Vegas.

   I smiled brightly for the cameras in Rick's arms as he brought me out to the infamous cream colored Cadillac.

Eventually we pulled up to our large hotel, finally checking in together after previously staying in separate rooms the night before.

We spent the next hour or so in our room, to put it vaguely, we were enjoying one another's company.

   My eyes drifted towards the slightly open window at the orange colored sky as the sun began to fall behind the buildings.

   I fiddled with the small ring on my finger, watching Rick as his back was turned to me. He was fixing himself and I a whiskey sour.

   "Let me just tell you, this is the best I've ever felt. Being married to you" I beamed from my spot on the bed, his shoulders moved up and down as he laughed lowly to himself.

   "Couldn't have said it better myself" Rick waltzed over, handing me the cold glass. My eyes watched as the cherries floated to the bottom beneath the foam.

   "We've better head over to the reception, don't you think?" I sighed, sipping from the glass. He nodded in agreement as he swirled his drink. Him wearing nothing but a white robe and I, nothing, decided to hurry with our drinks so we wouldn't be late to our own wedding party.

   "What's the time?" Rick nervously smoothed down his hair as he sped down the roads of the city, heading uptown to the party hall.

   "Ten to eight" I glanced over at him, admiring the way he looked as he drove. "Good, good" he breathed, stealing a glance over at myself. "Speaking of good" he laughed, drawing his attention back to the road in front of him.

"Shhh, eyes on the road Dalton" I smirked, gently pushing his jaw.

"You know you're Dalton now too, right?" Rick laughed, pulling up to the valet man in front of the building. "Of course, how could I forget?" I smiled, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

The night was long, surprisingly contradicting the statement, time goes by when you're having fun. Everyone lost count of the amount of drinks that were had, which wasn't necessarily a bad thing being the taxi company was roaring with business that night.

The next morning, the sun pierced through the white blinds that breezed due to the open window. My bare arm was slung over Rick's back, his mouth hung open as he snored.

The light made me wince as I pulled the covers over my eyes. My head was pounding, and I was sure that when Rick woke up the whining from him wouldn't stop. Yet as my eyes glanced down to the small jewel wrapped around my finger, nothing could really destroy the feeling I got from knowing I was Mrs. Dalton.

(𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄): omg i'm so sorry if that ending was cheesy leo just does that to me djkwjfsdjs... no but seriously. anyway i thought this chapter was super cute and the next one i feel is even cuter!!! also, fair warning for the next one— i apologize if you don't celebrate christmas but the next one is christmas themed! you don't have to read, obviously. thank you!! <3333

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