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   "So where are we off to now?" I giddily asked as we cruised down the highway. "I've gotta go fix Rick's antenna and run some more errands. Busy day, boring day" Cliff shrugged.

"Hey is Rick usually stressed out when he works? Is he uptight when he's over there?" I pointed out the window with my thumb. It was a tad bit embarrassing to be talking about Rick with someone who was so close with him, but he couldn't seem to leave my mind and I was feeling nosy.

"Yeah.. I don't work with him on set anymore but when I did... let's just say there were a lot of meltdowns" he lowered his voice as if someone was listening. "Hm" I hummed, suddenly having an impulsive thought.

"Ya think I'd get in trouble if I visited him this afternoon? To bring him lunch or something?" I turned my body to face Cliff, hoping I would get the answer I wanted.

He looked in my direction for a second without saying anything, then opening his mouth to speak once he realized I wasn't kidding. "Gee (y/n), this man's got your heart all twisted don't he?" Cliff teased.

   "Shut the fuck up" I moved closer to him, attempting to seem intimidating. "I'm sure it wouldn't be an issue. You can use my pass I used to use to get in, the security over there aren't strict in the slightest" he parked the car in front of the painting we had been giggling at earlier. I was beginning to get used to seeing it.

   "Alright well, you wanna spot me while I do this stupid shit?" Cliff sighed, looking up at the house. "I wouldn't use the word, want. But I'll do it for ya" I patted his shoulder before scurrying into the house to fix myself a drink.

Soon enough I was sitting on the roof, watching as a shirtless Cliff checked out the antenna.

   "Have I ever told you the story of when I fought Bruce Lee?" Cliff broke the silence as he lit up a cigarette. I almost fell off the damn roof in excitement, "uh, no?!" I laughed.

   Cliff managed to fix the antenna quickly, and before I knew it we were on our way back to the movie set. "What kind of stuff does he like to eat?" I asked, feet propped up on the dashboard.

   "If I were you, I'd bring him a prune juice and a toasted turkey sandwich" Cliff answered quickly, it was heartwarming that he knew Rick so well. "Hold on a minute, prune juice?" My face twisted in disgust as I faced my brother.

   "I wouldn't lie" he raised one hand to go over his heart causing me to laugh. "What is he, an old woman?" I couldn't stop the fit of giggles that escaped me. "Hey, he's always loved it. Don't ask me why" Cliff was amused himself at the fact, thinking deeper into it. "I've gotta remind myself to tease him about it" I smiled contently as we pulled up to, Famous Al's Delicatessen.

   "Do you remember where his trailer is? I wanna refrain from asking around and getting myself busted" I turned to face Cliff once we arrived. "Yeah, it's a little ways into the lot but it should say his name on the door. Just follow the main path and it's a two minute walk" Cliff explained, using his hand for directions.

   I nodded with a smile and grabbed the pass that was hanging from the rear view mirror. "Thanks so much, Cliff" I winked at my brother before stepping out of the car. "Be careful! Don't get your ass thrown out" he called out as I began walking towards the entrance.

   I turned to face him, throwing up a thumbs up. Spinning around quickly I was faced with a few security guards at a small booth. "Afternoon, boys" I grinned, flashing the light colored pass. "Hello miss" a few said in unison.

   I smiled contently once I made it through, following Cliff's instructions until I found myself approaching a small white trailer.

   As I grew closer yelling could be heard inside. Curiosity grew within me as I put an ear up to the door of the trailer. "Every fuckin' night! That's it, that's fuckin' it!"

The man continued on his rant, I didn't want to intrude... but when I heard the sound of glass shattering I couldn't help but push open the door of the trailer. "Rick?" I asked softly, he looked over in shock. "(y/n)? What in the hell a-are you doin' here?" His tone immediately became more gentle.

"I wanted to bring you lunch. Nobody should have to work on an empty stomach" I gave him a sympathetic smile, curious about the outburst he just had.

"I heard you yelling in here, is everything okay?" I placed the brown paper bag and glass bottle of juice on the table before taking a seat next to him. He paused before answering honestly, "No... it's really not" he looked over, his eyes were glossy. He was on the brink of tears and his ice blue eyes were red and irritated.

"Tell me about it" I lightly slipped my hand into his. He broke into quiet sobs, holding his face with his free hand. "I shouldn't be cryin' like this is in front of a lady" he managed through his crying.

"Don't say that, real men show their emotions. Cowards hide them" I rubbed his back gently as he softly weeped. "Take a deep breath for me, okay? Then you can tell me what happened" I felt him squeeze my hand tighter as he attempted to regain steady breathing.

He spent the next few minutes explaining how he hates himself for drinking as much as he does. How he doesn't know how to stop himself at a reasonable amount of drinks. As he continued explaining, he got himself riled up again.

"And I'm sitting there like a fucking baboon!" He paced the trailer as he mimicked his stutter. I simply watched him with wide eyes as he released his emotions.

"I'm a fucking miserable drunk" he sat himself down again, sighing. "I practiced my lines and now it don't look like I god damned practiced em'!" he explained in a frustrated manner.

"What if I helped you with your lines? I'm real good at memorizing things" I explained calmly as he lit a cigarette. He looked down at me, "why do you wanna help me lil' Booth?" He innocently questioned, almost like he couldn't fathom how someone could care about him.

"Simple. I like you, Rick" I smirked as I watched his eyes widen. "As a friend... duh" I winked, grabbing a cigarette from his pack and lighting mine on his.

"You brought me my favorite lunch" he stated, sighing in happiness and disbelief. "Nobody's ever done something so nice for me" his eyes sparkled as he looked at the food, a small gesture went a long way.

"I highly doubt that Mr. Dalton" I smiled, gasping once my thoughts fell upon the prune juice.

"Oh right! I was supposed to make fun of you... why in the hell do you like prune juice?" I laughed, tilting my head at the man as he watched me.

A laugh erupted from him as he grabbed the glass bottle. He eyed the label carefully, reading each word. "My parents used to buy it for me when I was a little kid, to help with... you know" he looked away shyly, leaning over to his ash tray to put out the cigarette.

"What are your parents like anyhow? Are they nice people?" I smiled at the thought of his mother. I guessed she was a sweetheart. I could picture her with a glass of prune juice, talking little Rick through his bowel troubles.

"Aw well, my mother is an angel" he began, I smiled to myself. I knew it.

His parents of course were lovely. They always supported him as he was growing up. Of course they were content when he wanted to go into acting, they were excited to see what a star their little boy would become.

"I'd love to meet them someday" I sighed, leaning back on the couch. He turned his head to look at me, he genuinely looked happy. "I'd love nothing more" Rick nodded his head with a grin.

"I'm glad you're feelin' better" I smiled as his eyes found the clock. It displayed 1:13.

"I've got an hour before my last scene for the day. Could I take you up on that offer to help me with my lines? I'll give you half of my sandwich" he smirked, smoothing down the mustache that was glued on his upper lip.

"You got it" I beamed at the man.

lovefool,, rick daltonDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora