Chapter 14: 𝐵𝓁𝓊𝑒-𝒢𝓇𝒶𝓎

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"It's called The Mind's Eye and when in its whole form, can control everyone on earth." Hamish looked about ready to yell. To get pissed. "Vera and I have a plan. You three were never supposed to get involved."

"What? You're breaking up the band?" Randall asked, stepping forward.

"This whole mess is my fault. It's not fair that I dragged Vera into it. That I dragged you three into it."

"We're Knights. Knights stick together." Lilith stepped in. I shook my head.

"I'm a dishonor to the Knights." Randall rolled his eyes.

"But--" Lilith started, but was cut off.

"You summoned the demon?" Hamish asked. I froze dead in my tracks. "You denied it but--it was you." I slowly turned to face Hamish, shame filling me.

"I let him out of his cage." His fists clenched at his sides. "I wanted to be happy," Hamish growled, taking a step forward.

"And I want Cassie back! But you don't see me turning to magic to do it!" Tears fell from my eyes in hot streams. "We give our lives to the cause to stop bad magic, not turn to it." He hissed.


"Don't," Hamish said, cutting Randall off. He turned back to me slowly, hurt in his eyes. "Was--was everything a lie?" I shook my head fast.

"No!" Hamish closed his eyes with a deep-chested sigh. "I didn't think--I never think," I growled, tangling my hands in my hair and pulling--hard. "I'm sorry--I'm so, so sorry." I cried, squeezing my eyes shut. Gentle hands took hold of my wrist, untangling my hands from my hair. It was Hamish.

"Don't--don't do that." I gave a tiny, weak sob. I was weak. All this happened because I was weak. Too weak and scared to deal with the life I had been dealt. His hands lingered on my skin as he pulled away.

"I'm sorry." Someone threw their arms around me, nearly tackling me to the ground. To my surprise, it was Lilith. She was hugging me.

"I don't care if you let a demon out or if you're a shit, Knight."

"Lilith--" I started but she held tighter.

"I don't care." Hesitantly, I wrapped my arms around the smaller women. Before either of us could pull away, Randall joined in on the hug.

"We're cool." He said with a goofy grin. They pulled away after a while. Lilith cleared her throat and crossed her arms, her metal walls getting thrown back up.

"Oh, how sweet." Dread filled me at the sound of the demon's awful voice. We all turned to find him there, the twelve Silent Sister's behind him, swords at the ready. His black as night eyes turned to me. "You know how this will go Delta. Just give me The Mind's Eye--in one piece--and I'll spare your friends." I clenched my fists, growling.

"You tricked me once, Malech. I know you're lying." The Silent Sisters pulled their swords and shields off their backs, golden masks gleaming in the lamplight.

"You tricked me first little wolf." I scanned the situation. There was no getting out of it. I looked up to Hamish who was growling at the demon and his brainwashed slaves. Blue-gray--his eyes were blue-gray like a coming storm.

"You--you promise you'll let them go?" I called, making Hamish snap his attention to me.

"Nora--" Malech gave a deep yet high pitched laugh.

"I swear it, Delta."

"Nora, don't." I looked up to Hamish, a small smile on my lips.

"Thank you. For showing me a light in the darkness." Hamish shook his head, grabbing for my hands. I gently pulled away. "I'm sorry I lied to you. Truly, I am." Before he could speak, I turned away from him. I started shifting my arm. "Long is the road," I breathed, taking that first step towards the grinning demon. "Short is the life."

"Nora!" I heard the Knights call after me.

"Membra huius beluae obtorpescantur." I heard Vera speak and a dull ringing filled my ears.

"I can't move!" Randall shouted.

"Fucking bitch!" Lilith growled. Vera had done as I asked. I reached under Delta's hide and pulled the last half of The Mind's Eye out. Malech giggled, watching with hunger.

"Yes. Good girl." He held his hand out, but I hesitated. "Come now. No tricks."

"You have to promise to let them go." Malech nodded eagerly.

"Yes, yes. They can go free." I took one last look over my shoulder at the Knights of Saint Christopher, all frozen in their spot.

"Don't Nora!" Hamish called. Blue-gray--his eyes were blue-gray like a stormy sea. I turned back to the demon and placed the stone in his hand. He held it up, giggling like a kid on Christmas. He turned his inky black eyes on me, his grin never fading.

"Thank you, my dear Delta. I've had fun playing with you." Malech did a simple flick of his hand and the Silent Sisters descended upon me. At first, I didn't register the pain as they each drove their swords through me. At first, I couldn't hear the screaming. My own screaming. All I could hear was a dull ringing. I could barely see past the fuzziness of my vision.

In a matter of seconds, everything came rushing back to me. My sight, my hearing, my pain. I could feel it all. I could remember why it had happened. Malech was still in front of me, watching as I slowly died on the Silent Sisters swords. I placed my blood-covered hand over his, which was wrapped around The Mind's Eye. "Go. To. Hell." I hissed.

Vera was chatting whatever spell she had found. Over and over again. The stone in Malech's hand began glowing brighter, redder. The demon looked confused as he looked over all this. Then, it clicked. He didn't hold The Mind's Eye in his hand, he held a cage. "No!" He roared, but before he had the chance to attack, a cloud of inky black dust flew out of his vessel's eyes, nose, and ears and was sucked into the tiny cage. The little boy collapsed to the ground.

Pain still roared in through my veins. Through my whole being. The Silent Sisters were freed once more, but they still had a purpose. Their swords dug deeper and I screamed. Vera, though weakened greatly, was there. She blasted them away with her magic and I fell to the cold, stone ground.

My vision was fuzzy again, but I could still make out Vera's face. She looked like she had just lost something she loved. I laughed. "Save your strength," Vera said, voice shaky.

"You're--you're pretty bad--badass." I gritted out. God the pain was unbelievable.

"I know." She said, her walls made of stone crumbling down with each passing moment. Someone else came into my line of vision. It was Hamish, Lilith, and Randall.

"Why did you do that?" Hamish asked, grabbing hold of my hand.

"It--it was all part--of--of the plan." I groaned in pain as Vera placed a hand over one of my wounds.

"Hey! Stay awake, okay? Keep those pretty eyes open." Hamish said. Were those--tears? he wouldn't cry for me.

"Blue-gray." I wheezed out. I looked over to find Randall holding Lilith in his arms. It brought a small smile to my lips.

I was strangely calm when I stopped seeing. When I stopped being. 

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