Chapter 6: 𝒫𝓇𝑜𝒻𝑒𝓈𝓈𝑜𝓇 𝒳

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 The night was slowly turning into the soft gray of morning by the time I stopped running. Delta had taken over a few times, but it hadn't mattered. Either I ran or she did. But, as I clung to my goosebump ridden skin, I found I was in familiar woods. The woods near The Knights of Saint Christopher's den.

I growled, knowing Delta was behind this. I knew as soon as she saw those two young Knights she'd want to stay near them. To protect them and be a goddamn mother hen. My knees gave and I found myself on the leaf-littered ground. I couldn't go back there. Not when I knew his hide would be there. When all their hides were there.

So I sat there, in the chill morning, numb to the world. Just trying not to brake. Not to give in to weakness. I had to be strong, like Vera who had gone through a pain worse than I would ever know. "You'll get sick out here." Hamish's smooth voice filled the crushing silence.

"I can't get sick," I said, my voice dull and void of anything. Hamish knelt before me, locking his beautiful eyes onto mine.

"It doesn't mean you still can't get cold." I watched as he pulled his jacket off and gently placed it over my bare body. "Come on. I'll make you a drink." And then he was pulling me to my feet. I didn't know whether to fight against him or to just give in. I didn't want to just give in.

"One in the same." I ignored Delta and let Hamish guide me along. Soon I found myself on a couch, in the den's living room, a fuzzy blanket wrapped around me. Hamish had gone off somewhere leaving me alone again.

"One in the same." God, I wish she would shut up sometimes. Never has she been this cryptic and vague. What did one in the same even mean? I had found what she wanted me too. I've found the Knights of Saint Christopher. I'm letting them help me. What more could she possibly want? "Soon you'll see what I see."

"Shut up," I growled, hugging the blanket tighter. Delta did as she was told. The smell of fresh coffee filled my senses and Hamish came out of the side room a minute later, two cups of steaming coffee in hand.

"I would normally make you something a little bit stronger, but seeing as it's six in the morning, I felt this was better suited." I took the cup gratefully. My frigid hands warming instantly. Hamish took a seat in the armchair beside the couch.

"Thank you." I all but whispered, taking a sip. The flavor exploded in my mouth. God, it was this was damn good coffee. I bet he made a mean cocktail. Hamish nodded, drinking his own cup. We sat in silence as we drank, but soon I found myself breaking it, not wanting to be in my head. "Where are the other two? Randall and--Lilith?"

"Randall should be at the gym as of right now, and Lilith decided to go back to her dorm." I nodded, taking a sip. 

"And they're new? Well, fairly new?"

"Is it that obvious?" He said with a grin. I returned it.

"No, it's just Delta had this mother goose tendency. If you're new, she'll know and not leave your side until you're strong enough to fly on your own."

"Is that why you came back here?" I slouched deeper into the blanket, keeping my gaze trained on my cup.

"Partly..." Hamish was quite beside me.

"It's hard--losing someone you've given your life to." I looked to Hamish, a little stunned.

"You...." He nodded his head.

"If you ever want to talk about it, I'll listen." I smiled, a real genuine thing. Hamish finished his coffee a moment later and got up, saying he had to get to work. "You're welcome to stay here if you want."

I thanked him and he left a few minutes later, leaving me in the silent den. I sat there, not really knowing what to do. I could either stay here or go back to Vera's house, where I knew would be empty as well.

When I stood, I found I was still naked. This fact had made my skin burn. Hamish had seen me naked...lovely. But that also meant--I reached for the protection charm Vera had given me and found it not there. "Shit," I growled. I'd have to be careful now. Don't talk to strangers. Don't use buses. Just stick to the woods. I shifted, Delta's white fur ruffling in the wind, once I was out of the den and ran through the woods of Belgrave.

Vera's house, like I had predicted, was empty. Back in my human body, I made my way into her house. The mess I had made the night before was gone and I guilt mauled at me. But I pushed the feeling down and borrowed another pair of Vera's clothes, which were all too fancy for me.

As soon as I was changed, I went back to the den. My diary was still in the hide room and I would like it back. "What the hell happened to you?" Lilith greeted me as soon as I stepped into the den. I looked over the smaller women.

"Don't you have class?"

"Don't you have a life?" I sighed through my nose. I had to be patient.

"As of right now no." Lilith crossed her arm, her hip popping to the side. "Have you seen my diary? I left it in the hide room I think." Lilith grabbed something off the bar. It was my diary.

"This?" I held my hand out. "I read it, you know." Anxiety filled me. Don't get angry. Don't get angry.

"That's--fine. Can I please--"

"Delta--your hide--gives you the ability to talk with other Knights in their minds." I was confused at first, but then realized I wrote all my werewolf experiences down in my diary.

"Yes, she can." Something like excitement flared in her eyes.

"Can you do it to me?" I had only ever done it with my packmates. It must be the same thing.


'Holy shit!' I couldn't help that smile that crossed my lips. 'This is sick!'

'I can add Randall into it. Like a group chat.' Lilith's lips pulled up into a brilliant smile. It made my own stay put.

'Hell yeah!' It took me a minute to feel his hide, but once I did, we were connected. I gestured for Lilith to think something. 'Hey, shit brain!' A far off echo of Randall's voice sounded, making me chuckle.

'Don't talk out loud. You'll just look crazy.'

'Oh...are you guys in my mind?' Randall's voice asked.

'Yep.' I thought.

'She's fucking awesome!' Lilith thought making pride well in my chest.

'Sweet! When Hamish finds out you're Professor X, he'll flip!' I chuckled.

'What? He's into Marvel?'

'Obsessed. He's a nerd' Lilith thought.

'We should get him in on this!' Randall thought.

'I don't know...'

'Come on! He's fun! I promise!' I gave in, feeling around for his hide, when I found it, Delta stirred excitedly. 'Hamish, it's the ghost of Christmas present. You're an alcoholic.' Randall thought in a shit ghost voice. Lilith gave a sharp laugh.

'I'm an alcohol aficionado!'

------------- 𝒱𝑒𝓇𝒶 𝒮𝓉𝑜𝓃𝑒 -------------

The doors to the reliquary fling open, and in walked Klye and the Acolyte he tutors, Alyssa Drake. They looked panicked. "What is it now?" I leaned back in my chair, fighting back my growing headache.

"Magus, we tried to stop them, but they wouldn't--" Kyle started but was cut off when he and the Acolyte were shoved to the side. A group of twelve women came to a stop before my desk, all wearing robes of the darkest blue and longswords strapped to their backs. Their faces were covered in gold masks in the shape of wolves. 

Dread filled me. They shouldn't have been able to track Nora with the charm I gave her. How the hell did they find her? A boy about eleven years old was placed before them. But I new just by the red etching over his right eye he was no boy. He was their messenger and had been possessed by something much, much worse.

"Vera Stone. It seems you have a werewolf problem." 

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