Chapter 13: 𝒯𝒾𝓂𝑒 𝒯𝑜 𝒢𝑒𝓉 𝒯𝑜 𝒲𝑜𝓇𝓀

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------------- A Week Earlier-------------

The Knights of Saint Christopher had left the house soon after I had finished eating the breakfast Hamish made me. Randall had been right, Hamish was an amazing cook. Once I had washed the dishes and put them away, I made my way up the stairs and back into Hamish's room.

I replaced the set of pjs Hamish had given me to sleep in with a random t-shirt and a pair of way too long pants which I rolled up to my liking. I looked like a hot mess. Pulling my hair up into a ponytail and grabbing my phone, I made my way out of the den.

Belgrave, like usual, was crawling with students making their way to class or hanging around. I avoided them as much as I could as I made my way into the main building. The hall was quiet as I knocked on my sisters door. "Come in." She sounded bored. I swung the door open and Vera frowned. "You do realize you're in danger, right?" She asked, clasping her hands together on her desk.

"I do, thank you."

"Hum." She said looking me over. Jeament forever in her eyes. "When were you going to tell me the Silent Sisters messenger had been possessed by a demon?" I sat in the chair before her desk, leaning back.

"Sometime. Today, maybe."

"Tell me you didn't summon it?" I scoffed.

"No. Malech has been locked away for years." Vera continued to stare, waiting for me to continue. "He got out--"

"How?" I paused. "How Nora?" Vera demanded.

"It's not--"

"It sure as hell is important. How did he get out? Simple question. Easy answer." I looked out her window at the active campus, biting my nails. "Nora!" I snapped to face my sister.

"I did it!" I shouted. My sudden burst of anger switched to fear in seconds. "I-I did." Vera pinched the bridge of her nose.

"Demons aren't something to play around with, Nora! You're lucky he's just a Baron." I narrowed my eyes in confusion. Baron? "Why?" I stared at her for a long moment. "If I'm going to help you with your demon problem, I want to know why."

"Because--because he's Malech: the gift giver." When that wasn't enough for Vera I growled. "I was going to ask him--" I huffed in a mixture of emotions, rubbing my face with both my hands. "I fell in love, Vera. All I wanted was to have a life with him. A life were I didn't have to worry about being killed by magic or monsters."

"So you were going to ask him to make you human?" I looked up, eyes burning. "Oh."

"He tricked me, just like he tricked Delta's Champions from the very beginning." I sat on the edge of my seat. "Delta--the werewolf who's attached to me--has been hiding something from him. He wanted it back. I-I didn't think. I don't think." Vera's eyes held pity in them. I hated it.

"What was--Delta--hiding?" I tapped my foot on the ground. She was going to be angry. More so then she already was.

"The--The Mind's Eye." Vera blinked very, very slowly.

"I don't think I hear you correctly." She said making me growl.

"I know, Vera. I fucked up!"

"Oh, you did more than fuck up. You gave a demon the ability to control all of humanity!" I continued to tap my foot.

"I didn't give him the whole thing." Vera paused.

"What?" I sighed, starting to shift my arm. Before Delta could cover my arm, I reached under and grabbed for the thing. As soon as my hand was out, I stopped the shift. I held my palm out, showing Vera the glowing blue, eye like stone. Part of it was jagged from where I had broken it. Vera held her breath. I placed it on her desk. "He's controlling the Silent Sisters? With half the stone?" I nodded. Vera blew a breath. "Okay...okay we need to hide this and then we need to get the other half away from him."

"Agreed." Vera made direct eye contact with me.

"This is going to get messy, Nora. Very, very messy."

"I-I know." Vera picked the broken Eye up and offered it to me.

"Can I trust you to keep it safe until I find a way to deal with Malech? That means no more breaking it. No more giving it to demons." I nodded my head fast.

"Yes. I won't." She placed it back into my hand with a sigh.

"Well, time to get to work."  

Heaven ● The Order Fanfic  {𝐻𝒶𝓂𝒾𝓈𝒽 𝒟𝓊𝓀𝑒}Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant