Tooth seemed to ignore him and kept looking at Jack for answers, but he continued to stare off trapped in his thoughts.

She sighed, "Oh Jack..." Her voice filled with pain and a hint of sympathy.

The boy forced his head back to Tooth. Her eyes becoming more tired and full of pain.

"What would Pippa do if she saw you right now?"

(A/N Yes I used the name Pippa as his sisters name, just in case you were wondering...continue!)

Pippa? His eye brows furrowed giving her a confused look. She seemed to be waiting for a reaction.
With Jacks little strength He had left he managed to whisper.
"W-who's Pippa?"

Just as those words escaped his lips, North unlocked the door, grabbed Tooth bridal style, and ran out before she even had time to protest, but not before Jack saw the shocked expression on the fairies face.

Once again The boy was left alone, but this time deeply confused.
Pippa... Why does that name sound familiar?

Jacks POV

My eyes grew heavy, but fought the urge to sleep, something was telling me not too.

Ah! Thinking about what Tooth said caused my head to hurt even more than before.
I need to clear my mind, I can't think about this right now,
Taking a deep breath, I moved my focus to my current position and began fidgeting with the chains. I need to leave, I have to get out of here. My body can't take much more of this heat.

Struggling, I tried to once again get my hands out of these chains, after a few moments I stopped, the pain from the wounds on my wrist from previously trying to get out stung like fire.
Giving up on that idea I looked around for something in the room to possibly brake them with. Unfortunately no matter where I looked there was nothing. Frustrated I hit my head against the wall, immediately regretting it. Now my head hurts even more.
After sitting still, being weak and pathetic for a little while, I started to think again.

There is only one way to get out of these, but after I do that how do I get out the door.

Rolling my head to face the doorway I noticed it was made of wood. If I could use my powers I would be able to freeze the lock or even the door and break it easily, but this heat knocks that out of the question.

Wait! I've got it.

I looked down at my hands and smiled. I'm finally going to get out of here.


When nightfall came around I decided to make my move. The light coming from the window was gone and moonlight shining inward.
Slowly I put my left hand over my right. Taking in a deep breath I pushed down at an awkward angle until I heard a snap.

Biting My lip to keep quiet I moved on to my other hand. Once they were broken I slipped them out of the shackles.

I stood up, stumbling a few times, before finally managing to get to the door.

Using one of my long finger nails I stuck it into the lock and twisted it around. I bit down hard on my tongue trying to ignore the pain from my hands, when I heard a click.

Finally. I'm free.

I twisted the nob and cracked open the door. My moment of triumph was crushed when I saw that two yetis were outside the door, probably guarding it to make sure I don't leave, or maybe to keep tooth out. Most likely both.

There's no way I'll be able to get past them. I couldn't when I was at my full strength, how can I now?

I had to think of a plan quickly.

Observing them for a few seconds it seemed that they were taking turns guarding, considering one was asleep. Well, guess that makes things a little easier.

Coming all the way out the door, I quietly and carefully shut it behind me.

I walked over to the sleeping yeti and used all my strength to punch him in the face. After doing so I hid behind a piler.
Just as planed, the yeti jumped up and started fighting with the other one.

Perfect. Now that they're distracted, I can make my escape.

I moved slowly down the quiet halls till coming to one room with an open door. Loud obnoxious snoring poured from inside.

Deciding to take a peak I saw North asleep with his head down on the desk. This must be his office.

I was about to continue walking till I saw my most prized possession, well my only possession. My scythe.

Excitement pumped through my veins. It only took me a few seconds to go in, grab it, and get out. North is one heck of a heavy sleeper.

Once I was on the move again I heard the sound of a clock, once it rang the toy shop seemed to come to life, oh no.

I need to get out before everyone comes in to start working.

Moving as fast as I could I made it to a window and pushed it open. Taking one last look behind me, I jumped.

The fall was longer than I thought, the impact, even with all the snow, still hurt.

However, once my skin made contact with the cold, I didn't move. The feeling was wonderful, complete bliss. I didn't realize how weak and tired I was till now. Just the touch made me feel a thousand times better.

Unfortunately my victory was short lived, I could hear yells from inside and panic breaking out. I don't know if it was a factory problem, the kitchen was on fire, or if they found out I was gone.

"Jack!" Norths voice boomed, causing me to jump a little.

Well I guess that answers my question.
Time to go!

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