Am I Wrong

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*Three days later*
Me and Sam have been talking nonstop since that day. We started actually walking home together. Usually he'd walk about a block ahead of me and get home way before I did. I hated that it was Wednesday. Although I was in highschool now we still had swim days. Most of the time I didn't mind it being that I was natural but today I had straightened my hair without a second thought to what day it was. Me and Sam caught up and didn't fail to mention how he thought my hair was straight this morning.
"It was straight Sam"

"So why isn't it now"

"It's Wednesday Sam they made me go swimming remember"

Being that the girls and boys swim days were separated I didn't expect him to remember. But of course her did.

"Oh yea my bad I forgot Lea" he started calling me that yesterday. It took me time to get used to that being my name from him.

"Yea yea well I'm probably not straightening it again for a while. Are you still coming to the house?"

He was supposed to come today so that we could do geometry together since we both had the same homework tonight.

"Yea but you'll come to my house first I gotta get something."

"Umm sure but what is...."

"Don't worry about you'll see it if I need it"

That made me think. What could it be for real. On the walk today he kept looking around rather than at me and down at his phone with a face that I'm guessing he didn't notice that I saw. But I did. We passed a few slangas that had him a little nervous which in all this time I've never seen that happen.

We finally got to his house which is where I decided to finally ask him "Alright Sam seriously what's going on. You were freaked out the whole walk here. I saw your face Sam. It was paranoid. We're supposed to be at my house doing geometry and laughing but instead we're in your house waiting on you to pick up something that you won't even tell me what the heck it is. So please tell me what the hell is going on." I sort of whisper yelled at him not knowing if his mom would want to hear that from his room. He pulled out a brown wooden box.
"Look Lea this is serious. A few days before I came to your house some kids came up to me at school..."

"Ok and your poi..."
"Please just listen. The kids don't go to our school. They're some of Nate's right hand men. They told me to watch my back. Cause I stepped into their unmarked territory. I wasn't worried about it cause I didn't think they were serious. The last time I sold was when I was 14 and it was only a dime for a dub to some white kids. Haven't sold since then I swear. But I guess it really was their land because they've been texting me with a countdown. The other day I got 3...Sunday I got 2... and this morning"
"1" I said finishing his sentence
"Exactly so there now you know and I'm sorry for not telling you but now I have so now both of us are potentially in danger babe I'm sorry"

Wait pause did he just call me babe. Ion know I think I sort of like the way that rolled off his tongue. But that's not what we're talking about right now. He opened his box and pulled out what had to be $600 if not more and a hand gun. Wait a gun what the hell.
"What the hell Sam you have a gun?"
"Yea I do don't you. If not you should" with that he packed his gun in his backpack along with cash and we went to my house.
"How the heck am I supposed to figure out this damn Pythagorean theorem?" I asked Sam hoping he would know

"It's easy Lea all you gotta do is..."
Bang bang bang "oh shit" we said in unison
"You think it could be"i stared to say
"I know it is" he grabbed his gun
The door banged in
"Zero muthafucka"
Sam pushed me behind him

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