Leave me alone

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"No aug!" I yelled down the hallway
He was high and for the what had to be fifteenth time if I wanted to take a hit. The blunt was about as short as it could get without burning fingers. He somehow had a talent for nearly smoking the entire paper before he finally gave up.
"You sho shawt" he asked again
"Yes August now leave me alone" I snapped
He hated when I talked back. That's what always got me hit but I still did it. He appeared in my room as suddenly as a ghost.
"What the fuck you said ta me"
"I said no now...."
My sentence was abruptly interrupted. I expected a slap when he raised his hand but it was a kiss. It was different though. It wasn't a passionate kiss. No it was a shut up kiss. It was hard. I don't like it. He let go and I stared at him like he was crazy. Meanwhile he walked out of my room like nothing at all just happened. I went on a rant
" What the hell was that. How do you just expect to kiss me and walk out like that. It wasn't even a fucking good kiss that shit hurt. What the hell is wrong with you. I could throw something at yo ass but ain't shit to throw in this dam house"
"You done now? Good. now go yo hormonal young ass to sleep" he said back with a laugh
I didn't dare to say it but all I could think was "I wasn't young when you fucked me two weeks ago" and really to me seven years wasn't that much. My parents may think otherwise. I kept getting mixed emotions about him though. One minute I couldn't stop staring at him with lust and desire the next I wanted to punch him in the face. Too bad I could barely reach it. The only thing was I still don't know how he feels about me and that is what really sucks.

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