"Probably, who can remember that fuckin' far back."

I laughed at Harry's answer, his hand squeezing my thigh in response and I lent my head back to rest against the seat. I was really looking forward to seeing whatever dressed up as.

Admittedly, I knew what Zayn and Louis were going as.

Eleanor I didn't know, just like Liam and Ollie but if Liam got his way probably Batman and then I really couldn't guess about Ollie. I didn't think he was the same person who used to be my best friend two years ago.

I had to admit I was looking forward to seeing Lindsee and Niall the most.

My best friend had been very secretive and cagey about this party and it kinda made me upset. I knew it was stupid and obviously it had worked because I was excited and I know how much Lins loves surprises but she was my best friend! I had to a right to know!

"M'think we're the last to arrive."

I glanced at Harry before he roughly pulled into a space and I blinked at the parking, and I thought I was bad at parking.

"How'd you know?" I asked as I got Gatsby out of the back seat, Harry picking my hand up the minute he was on the pavement with us.

"Tha's Zayn's car and tha's' Niall's." Harry nodded his head and I nodded slowly, hm so they were both thinking about drinking and driving.


"Are yeh' sure yeh' okay to drive home later?" Harry asked just as the lift dinged open on the floor Louis lived and I nodded.

"Yeah, I said it was fine." I smiled, I was actually kind of excited about driving Harry's Range Rover, it was a nice car.

"I don't have to drink tonight."

"H, it's fine. I really don't mind and you know I don't drink really anyway."

Harry looked at me for a moment before he lifted his fist and knocked it against the door a couple of times, I rolled my eyes as Harry tapped his foot impatiently before the door was pulled open to reveal Louis.

"Fuckin' finally." Harry snapped, practically barging Louis out of the way and I murmured a sorry to him as I gave him a quick hug, careful not to get any of his face paint on me.

"Oh my God!"

My ears perked up at the somewhat and sometimes obnoxious American account and my eyes searched the rather packed living room for my best friend.

I stumbled as I was launched upon from the side and I laughed as I was kind of herded into the kitchen by Lindsee, with Niall, Zayn, Louis and Harry following suit and I relaxed a bit as I saw the kitchen was much emptier than their living room.

"You look so good!" Lindsee said as she forced Harry and I next to each other and I laughed as I joking flicked the red hair I was sporting over my shoulder. "Gatsby you're so handsome, you're not wearing a costume!"

I laughed as Harry rolled his eyes before he started talking to Zayn and I overheard him telling him that 'this was all her idea', so what if it was?!

Once everyone had gotten over the fact that Harry and I had come as Fred and Daphne, I took in what Lindsee was wearing.

The all white outfit sitting nicely on her skin despite the fact she was as pale as me and I blinked as I spotted the white fluffy wings sitting on her back.

"You're an angel!" I gasped as I grasped her forearms, Lindsee's head nodding rapidly before I spun her around so I could see the wings. "These are so soft."

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