jin went around back if the building, pulling up the side while the two males swung open the back van doors and left. yoongi accesses the electrical network of the lab, finding the air vent for the east side of the building and working to power it down. jin waited behind the wheel, his hands anxious as they tapped against the leather and continuously checked the rear view mirror for the boys. he saw the two forms hurrying across the grass, hunched low and praying yoongi was doing a good job at playing with the cameras to hide them.

"we're good." jungkooks voice came through the tiny speaker in yoongis ear, both zoned in on the same frequency. "okay give me a second." he said, still trying to power down that van for them.

they crouched outside it, already removing the outer vent and seeing the large blades still spinning fast in endless circles. there were sounds, a droned hum and soon they started to slow. hoseok was the one to grab one of the blades as it got slower, the gloves he wore helped with that. "age before beauty." he said to the ravenette, motioning for him to go first. jungkook smacked him on the back of the head, "you're older idiot." he said, but maneuvered his body to fit between the large blade fans anyways.

hoseok followed, bringing their dumb little cart along as they crouched through the vent to get to the one leading into the corridor. "go right." yoongi said, watching them on the screen of his laptop as he scanned the blueprints of the building to help them find their way.

"there should be a vent there now on your left." he said. the two males stopped and paused to take out the screws at each corner, "got it." jungkook told the one in the van. "tell us when we're clear." he said.

yoongi opened a new program, the blueprints covered now by security cameras. they were in the east corridor, and his fingers typed away to find that set of footage to show the halls. there was a woman walking through, other than that it was empty. yoongi watched her passed where the vent would be, so oblivious to the males hiding behind it. she turned into a room and he waited fifteen seconds after the door shut. "go now." he told them, watching through the cameras as their heads popped into frame and soon their bodies followed.

"how're they doing?" jin asked from the front seat of the van. all he could do now was wait for his cue to take off and tell the other to start driving with the rv and trailer. he got no verbal answer, which was technically a good sign that nothing went wrong yet.

the security footage showed the two males hurrying down the hall now, except no one saw that except for yoongi, who was doing his little thing sitting small in the back of the van and playing prerecorded tapes over the real footage. "the door is on your left." yoongi said, seeing how the two figures turned left right when he said so. "it should be in the system."

jungkook nodded, putting the pad of his thumb on the scanner and holding his breath those two seconds. he only let it out when the screen turned green and there was a soft click of the lab doors opening. he really owed yoongi a bunch for making him stay awake all night working on the security of the lab and putting his prints in their database. "we're in. wipe it." jungkook said, hearing a confirmation from the other end and soon yoongi was erasing his prints from the plan like they were never there.

"hey, how are they doing." jin asked again. yoongi just shot him a silent glare, "dude wait." he said.

"okay dude," jin did his best to mock the other males more monotonous voice. "but now i have taehyung calling me and asking." he said. he already hung up the phone and ignored the incoming call, only for jimin to call next and making the eldest shove the device between the seats so he couldn't hear it. "how are they still annoying when they're not here." he groaned.

a small smile showed on yoongis face, "they're special like that." he said.

"guys." jungkooks voice came clear through yoongis ear wig, getting him back on track and ignoring the other man in the van once again. "tell jin to start the van." the ravenette said. "where did you guys go?" yoongi asked now as he clicked through the cameras trying to find where they went. they weren't in the same hall going back to the vent which was the plan.

instead jungkook and hoseok had set the pinch on the cart, pushing it down the hall after covering it with a fire blanket. everything about it looked suspicious and anything regarding stealth was thrown out the window. "open the van doors and start the fucking van." jungkook said it again, and just as yoongi did as he was told he saw the two of them bursting out the side doors of the laboratory while pushing the cart through the grass as best they could.

"you've got to be kidding me." jin saw them through the side mirror and wanted to roll his eyes, but now wasn't the time. "start the van!" yoongi shouted. he shoved his stuff to the side, it could be fixed later. right now they needed all the space they could to fit this thing.

hoseok held the pinch steady on the cart while jungkook ran behind it pushing it towards the van. yoongi slid out the track so they could push the cart right back into the van. "come on come on." he yelled, not even somewhat relaxing until they and the pinch were in the van. yoongi swung the doors shut and then jin was flooring it.

they were zooming out from the back of the laboratory, tires screeching from a very dramatic turn done on jin's part that was followed by a scream from hoseok in the back. "someone else call the others." jin said, focusing more on driving away as fast as he could but also not seeming suspicious. jungkook didn't hesitate, pulling out his phone and dialing his fiancé, "go." was all he said, and taehyung knew better than to mindlessly chatter right now.

he hung up, handing his phone to the kid beside him in the rv passenger seat. "no more britney, gotta focus." taehyung shut off the radio and started the vehicle, a twizzler hanging between his teeth much like the one in eli's mouth as well. "buckle up bitches!" she said to those sitting in the other part of the rv, and taehyung saw how both jimin and namjoons heads shot up up that.

taehyung couldn't help but laugh, "you heard her. buckle up bitches." he said, seeing the kid smile between bites of the red candy rope. he tore out of the parking lot, heading in the direction google maps was telling him.

there was a meetup place forty minutes out, both vehicles taking two different routes to get there in case something went wrong — but there wouldn't be, they were too prepared. jungkook knocked his head on the side of the van when jin hit a bump in the road, but the subtle pain didn't even affect him, not as he mentally checked off another step in the plan. the simple action making that signature smirk tug at the corners of thin pink lips.


i didn't know writing a third book would be so stressful omg. i don't want to fall below anyone's expectations for this book after getting such good feedback from the first two.

pls let me know what you think so far ♡

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