Would It Really?

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"Okay!" Paul said cheerfully, turning off the car and pulling his keys out. "We're here." He looked over at Emma and smiled.

"Good, because I'm dying of hunger right now." Emma groaned,
climbing out of the car quickly. She waited for Paul to get out before rushing down the street.

They stopped in front of their favourite place, Frozey Yogurts, where they carried there tradition of visiting every Friday afternoon to treat themselves with yummy desserts after a long working week.

Emma looked through the windows and cringed. The inside was decorated with lots of pink and red heart decorations, an usual site as the usual colours of the store was aqua and white. "What a cliche!" She scoffed, pointing it out to Paul.

He looked through at the sight and laughed. "Emma, it's Valentine's Day, what did you expect?"

Emma looked up at him, wide-eyed and her mouth hanging open. "Shit! That's today?" She asked, finally putting the pieces of the puzzle together. "Gross." She added, scrunching her nose.

"Come on." Paul said quickly, smiling at her before grabbing her arm and pulling her inside. They entered into the small store and looked at all the multiple couples sitting together, sharing what seemed to be the same overdosed-with-pink frozen yogurt.  They took a seat at their regular table where they faced each other.

Emma looked up at Paul and smirked. "I can't believe the one day of the week we come is Valentine's Day!" She snorted.

Paul gave her a small smile and looked around. "Yep." He replied quietly.

Emma gave him a funny look and was about to ask him 'what's up with you?' but was quickly interrupted by a very happy looking lady.

"Hi!" She exclaimed. "Happy Valentine's Day! Would you like to grab our one day offer, the "Couples-2-Go!" frozen yogurt? It comes with two spoons!" Her voice was far too sweet, and her smile was as stretched as it could go.

Paul blushed and Emma sat there shocked. "We're not a couple!" She said quickly, glancing at Paul. "So, uh, no thanks! We will, um, just grab our own... yogurts..."

The lady raised her eyebrow as if to question Emma and quickly nodded and walked away.

The rest of the afternoon seemed to be far more awkward than usual. They grabbed their usual orders and ate them almost silently.

Paul looked at his watch and coughed. "We should go." He said pointedly.

"Okay." Emma replied quietly, grabbing her purse and jacket before walking out the store with fast pace, leaving Paul jogging behind her to catch up.

As they bundled into the car, the trip was also silent until they began to give in with small talk. They kept trailing off awkwardly, until Emma flung her hands up and scoffed.

"What?" Paul asked, peering over at her quickly before returning his gaze back over to the road.

"Sorry!" She said quickly. "It's just..."


"I can't believe she thought we were dating!" She blurted out suddenly, before looking over at Paul whose face had turned bright red. "It's just, ya know. Just 'cause it's Valentine's Day doesn't mean every two people to walk in there had to be a-a couple..."

Paul nodded silently, feeling like his heart had just been lightly stabbed. Emma looked over at him again, catching his sad expression and frowned.

"But wouldn't it be weird if we dated?" She asked quietly.

Paul snuck a glance over at Emma again and sighed. "Would it really?" He pointed out almost silently, once again feeling like a jab had been hit at his heart.

Emma looked down and let her mind wander for a moment. It made sense, really. The two had been friends for over a year now, and as Emma thought about it more, it wouldn't be so weird if they started seeing each other in that way. After all, if Emma was going to be seen with anyone at all, she would hope it would be...



"It wouldn't be so weird." She whispered.

"I know." Paul replied slowly, pulling the car to a stop at her apartment block.

"Because I think I've liked you for a while." Emma said suddenly.

Paul's eyes widened and he forgot how to properly breathe. "Well, same." He said quietly. "I've literally liked you since I started going to Beanie's." Paul pointed out, a small smile appearing on his face.

Emma looked over at his and blushed. She grabbed his hand from the steering wheel and held it tightly. "Okay."

"Okay?" Paul questioned, enjoying the sudden feel of his hand in hers.

"Okay." Emma replied. "Consider that our first real date?"

"Oh, hell, no." Paul laughed and turned to look at her. "It was real awkward today. But I'd be down to watch a movie now, if you wanna-?"

Emma smiled and nodded. "Let's go."

one shots || paulkins Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon