You're Distracting Me

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note: so i guess these notes are a regular now. kinda fun i feel like i get to talk to guys before the one shot which is nice. anyways someone said 69 AND I LOVE AND HATE FOR U FOR THAT NUMBER but it's such a fluffy one so who's ready for sappy emma eeee!!

Emma sat on the couch and groaned. Her essay was due in two days but all she could think about was the boy near her, and how fucking lucky she was to have him. Paul really was the perfect guy, and Emma could not comprehend how she had scored such a gentleman.

He sat across from Emma at the kitchen table, flicking through some work papers silently. She noticed after time that when Paul was most focused, he would frown slightly and give a tiny smile when he figured something out. All that was on Emma's mind was him, him, him, him, him...

"Emma?" Paul asked from the table. He looked up and noticed her eyes were directly on him. "You okay?"

"Huh?" She shook her head. "Oh, yeah, yeah. Just, uh, distracted?" She tried, shrugging her shoulders. This caused her messy bun to flop and she quickly redid it effortlessly.

"You're not getting stressed out, right?" He asked gently, pushing his glasses up his nose.

Emma stared at him and let her mind wander before shaking herself back into reality. "No, nope, nah." She stumbled, her eyes still glued on him.

"You're totally staring, Em." Paul pointed out, smiling smugly at her.

And I've been caught, she thought to herself. "Well, maybe, just maybe..." She paused. "You're distracting me."

He chuckled. "Wow, really, Em?" Paul asked, making his way over to the couch next to her. He took a seat and wrapped his arm around her. "I bet this doesn't help." He pointed out.

"You're right, it fucking doesn't." Emma snapped quickly before flinging her hand over her mouth. "Oh my god, sorry." She sighed and cuddled into Paul. "It's just..." Emma trailed off as she traced random squiggles on his leg.

"It's just what?" He asked gently, looking down at Emma, tilting her head to make sure she was looking back.

That's when Emma lost it. One more second staring at his bright blue eyes and his clumsy yet adorable smile and his god damn perfect face, she couldn't hold back. She reached her hand up, bringing his face down and kissed him gently. It may have been a soft, simple kiss to Paul but in that moment, Emma had never loved him more in her life.

As she pulled away, she smirked. "It's just that." She commented.

Paul sat there dumbfounded. "Okay..." He said slowly.

"Listen, Paul." Emma started to say quietly. "I just can't think whenever I'm around you..."

"Do you want me to, like, go in another room-?" Paul asked awkwardly.

"But," Emma silenced him. "I can't function without you. Like, when I'm with you, all I think about is you and then I can't do anything else." She smiled at him. "But when you're not here, I do the same thing but I go crazy." She giggled and Paul returned a soft smile.

"I love you, Em."

"Well I'm crazy for you. So I think I love you more."

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