For Emma

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note: this is based off of that scene where paul is going with bill to save alice but emma pulls him aside first. i'm too lazy to pull up the clip and rewrite the words they say correctly so this is just based off from my memory and you'll enjoy the ending for sure. have fun reading! also this will be really short, i'm LAZY <3

Emma knew that Paul would go with Bill to save Alice. It was just in his nature, an obvious thing for him to do. Yet it still surprised her when Paul offered to go with Bill.

They were just about to leave, and she wanted to talk to Paul, in case she never saw him again.

Emma surprised herself when she stood up. "Hey Paul?" She asked, pulling him over for a bit of privacy. She casually grabbed his hands and stared up at his blue eyes. "Look, if they get you, they're going to make you sing, and dance, and all that shit you hate."

Paul smiled sadly, and Emma was struggling to let him leave. "So don't you let them." She finished, bringing her hands up to cup his face gently, so there were only a few inches keeping them apart.

"Emma-" Paul started but the girl in front of him silenced him by placing her lips on his. As they kissed, Emma didn't remove her hands from his face, but Paul gently put his hands on her waist and pulled her in.

As the pulled away, Paul smiled and looked into Emma's eyes. "Emma-" he said again.

"Don't fuck it up, Matthews." Emma whispered and wrapped her arms around his neck to hug him. "Please come back." She was barely audible now, but Paul still heard her.

He hugged her tighter before letting go and joining Bill.

Emma mouthed something to him which he couldn't understand, and before he knew they were gone and was off to find his friend's infected daughter. Paul was proud of Bill. He clearly loved Alice so much to risk his life to save her.

That's when it hit him. Emma had mouthed "I love you" to him.

Paul wiped away a quick tear and decided then and there that he would make it out alive.

He wouldn't let them take over.

He would survive.

For Emma.

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