chapter six

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Ventus pov

"Oh man if only if only I can see the look on Ddraing face right now to see what kind of punishment he will get." I said with a little laugh before I got i went back to my serious self. as Xenovia explained the situation to Rias and her group about the fragments of Excalibur.

"Here's the thing there are six swords we can account for three of them are still with the church, but we happen to know that the others were stolen by fallen angels." Irina said surprising Rias and the others.

"These are the ones we have left there made from Excalibur. This one is mine it's called the sword of destruction." Xenovia said as Irina showed the group hers as she said it's a mimic Excalibur.

"Ha I bet Ventus doesn't even have a Holy sword sucks to be you you pal." Issei said with a smirk on his face.

"Oh you think I don't have a sword such a fool....remember when I told you about the curse sword soul edge? What I didn't tell you is that god mad a sword to counter the curse sword." I said as I summoned Soul calibur as this shocked Rias and her peerage.

"I want you all to met the Soul calibur the sword god made to defeat Soul edge." I said holding it in my hands.

"The sword of swords how come you have it?" Rias asked as I told her I was chosen to wield it and told them all how I got to know Bahamut as well as I put soul calibur away.

"Well what is it you want us to do for you today?" Rias asked as Xenovia told them to stay completely out of their mission as it was between them and the fallen angels.

"Lets keep this simple shall we? We don't want the devils in this town to intervene." Xenovia said.

"That's sounds like an accusation... are you afraid we side with the fallen angels to keep you from attaining the holy swords?" Rias asked.

"We know for devils the holy sword is a detestable thing wouldn't it makes more sense to support the fallen angles?" Xenovia asked as Rias was getting pissed.

"If that trues we'll have no choice to completely annulate you even through you are the great devil sister." Xenovia added.

"If you already have me figured out then let me share something with you. There is no way I even think of join with the fallen angels  I will never do anything to besmirch the house of Gremory or my dear brother." Rias replied.

"It's enough for me to hear that I was just relating the thoughts of headquarters I honestly didn't think the little sister of Lucifer would be that stupid." Xenovia said with a smile.

"Good to know then I hope you also understand I won't provide aid to your side either." Rias said.

"Of course, I trust we will prevail if you promise not to intervene in what we might do in this town." Xenovia said as Rias replied saying that they have her word on that.

"We won't take up anymore of your time." Xenovia said as she and Irina stood up as Rias Offered them some tea before they go but they declined saying their not to make friends with devils and let themselves out. 

"This is perfect I take all of you on." Kiba said as he appeared at the door arms folded leaning against the door.

"And who might you be?" Xenovia asked Kiba.

"Your superior nice to met you." Kiba replied.

"Getting a little ahead of yourself Kiba?" I said as I looked up at him.

"Ventus I know you have a holy sword I challenge you to a duel right here right now." Kiba said as I sighed.

"Very well then but I should let you know I won't hold anything back." I said 

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