Chapter 18

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Mae felt like a prisoner. She sat next to Jesse in his bed, undressed, while he counted money. The room was smoky. Not that she was too surprised, but Louis still hadn't called her back. For some reason, Trina had been avoiding her for the better part of the week and her mother, well, she'd never expect much from her. So, unless she wanted to wallow in guilt and self pity, Jesse was the only option. Staying close to him at least assuaged her fear that he would tell on her.

"Ever hear back from the scholarship people?" Jesse asked. What was the point of acting like he cared?

Mae nodded. "One of them. Didn't get it."


Mae pulled a sweater off his bedpost and put it on. "Yep."

"What about the others?"

"Still waiting. I probably won't get those either."

"Why not? You're smart."

Mae didn't exactly have it in her to explain how school- or college- worked for someone who clearly lacked interest. "My grades aren't perfect. And I don't have extracurriculars."

"What the hell is that?"

"Stuff you do after school like sports, clubs, things like that."

"You got a job."

"Colleges don't care about that."

"They're stupid if they don't want you."

Mae huffed. "That won't stop them from not wanting me."

"I want you.That's not enough?" Jesse leaned in to kiss her. Mae dodged him. She'd already maxed out all the energy she had to be close to him.

"No. I need an education. I can't be stuck with this life. I'm sorry."

"I'm sorry that you think you're better than me, too."

Mae frowned, unprepared for the turn the conversation had taken. "I don't think that," she lied.

"You do."

Mae's blood boiled. "I don't. I'm here with you right now. I killed someone for you! I've done everything you told me to!"

"You're acting like it was all for me and you didn't get anything out of it. You wouldn't have even talked to me if I didn't have shit to give you."

How could Mae deny that? She'd only been attracted to Jesse at first because of the car rides. That didn't make her a bad person. "And you only offered it to me because you thought you were gonna get something out of me," Mae reminded him.

"Least I actually like you."

"You like money, and controlling people, and doing dangerous, stupid things. You don't like me," Mae informed him. Was he insane? Holding a girl hostage in an apartment sure as hell wasn't a way to show affection. Maybe he thought he liked Mae, but if Mae had learned anything about Jesse, it was clear he wasn't capable of caring about anyone but himself.

Jesse reached for the remote and turned up the television. Mae swallowed hard. "Then why did I help you? Why'd I give you anything of mine? Everything you got is because of me!"

"That's not true. I had a job before we met. I was doing decent in school, too. I wasn't afraid of going to jail before we met."

"If your life was so damn fine, then you'll be fine without me. It shouldn't be a problem not getting any more money from me."


"I'll take this back too." He ripped the diamond bracelet off her wrist with such force it cut Mae's wrist.

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