Chapter 24: Exams

Start from the beginning

It's now after the written portion and everyone is mentally exhausted. They were all asked to put on their gym uniforms and head to the gym for the next portion of the exams. They are now standing in front of Aizawa waiting for his instructions.

Aizawa: Alright now it's time for the final part of the exams. You will all be put into teams and tested

Ochako: What will the test be sir?

Aizawa: The test will be-

Nezu: a battle between the teachers.

Nezu then pops out from Aizawa's scarf and jumps out in front of the students.

Izuku: Does he do that often?

Aizawa: Pretty much

Nezu: Alright young students like i said you will all be put against the teachers to take your exams.

Sero: What we'll be going up against all the teachers?! Do you want us to fail that badly?!

Mina: Come on there is no way we can take on the teachers!

Then all the teachers started walking to the students and presented themselves.

Midnight: Being a hero means going up against impossible odds on a daily occurrence.

Present Mic: So it's our job to overcome these challenges and fight on! Yeah!

Then All might lands near them

All Might: So make sure to give it your all or else you will fail. You understand?

Momo: Wait hold on. There don't seem to be enough teachers. There's only enough for the 20 we have now, what about the last 2 students left over?

Nezu: Oh we have already thought of that, the final 2 will actually be going against....

???: Me

They all turned to see Miruko walking towards them in her hero outfit.

Students: Miruko!!

Miruko: That's me, the strongest female pro hero, The Rabbit hero Miruko. At your service *mock bows*

Nezu: Ms. Miruko has volunteered to help test out the students

Kaminari: Great if it wasn't hard enough, now we have to go up against another top ten pro

Miruko: What's wrong spark plug? Chicken?

Kaminari: What?

Miruko: If you can't even do a little test against pro's who are obviously going to be holding back then i guess you don't deserve to be here. So be a good little pussy and run off.

Izuku: Miruko that's enough cut him some slack he's just nervous about the test.

Miruko: Tsk, your lucky spark plug that i like big green over there otherwise i would send you packing right now.

Nezu: Alright Miruko that's enough. So as Miruko said we are going to be holding back. The pros have all received special bracelets that will force them to move slower.

All Might: That's right we will be using these!

All Might: That's right we will be using these!

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