Starlight's Story: Surprise! Friendship!

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I squeaked and launched myself into the air, successfully slamming my head on the ceiling before falling on the wooden floor in an undignified heap, my mane in my face and saddle bag on the floor next to me. 

“Oh, no! I’m so sorry! Are you okay?” The voice asked as I heard hoofsteps trot out from behind me.

“I think I’ll be okay.” I replied, using my hoof to move my mane from my eyes. The first thing I saw was two teal colored eyes looking at me in concern from behind glasses with magenta frames. “You?” I asked, rubbing my head with my hoof.

“Umm…yes?” Nat-mo replied, looking behind her and back at me. 

“Where did you come from?” I asked, appalled. 

“I was here the whole time?” She replied, cocking her head. 

“But how come I didn’t see you?” I asked, putting my saddlebag back on.

“I was reading on the pillow next to the door, you just didn’t look my way.” She replied, pointing her hoof to a pillow that was purple and yellow-orange hue, almost the exact colors of the filly’s mane and coat. Noticing this I looked from the filly to the pillow and back to the filly. 

“What?” She asked.

“Umm…take note of the pillow’s colors…” I suggested. Nat-mo looked at the pillow and back at me.

“What about it?” She replied, confused.

“And the color of your mane and coat?” I offered. She looked down at her hoof and then at the bangs on her forehead and looked back at the pillow. Then she burst out laughing.

“That’s hilarious! I’ve never noticed that before!” She said, smiling at me. I shrank away from the sudden outburst. Then she stopped laughing and looked at me so intensely I took a step back from her gaze. “Why aren’t you laughing? I wasn’t laughing at you, I was laughing at the joke you made.” 

“I know,” I replied. “I didn’t think it was funny.” She continued to stare at me. 

“It’s Diamond Tiara and Silver Spoon, isn’t it?” She asked, her expression taking on a look of concern. I just looked down at the floor in reply, folding my ears back. I felt a hoof on my shoulder and looked up in surprise. “It’s okay, you can’t let them get to you. If anything they’re just jealous that you’re not named after an eating utensil and hat.” I smiled and giggled at the remark.

“You know, you’re the nicest person I’ve met so far.” I smiled.

“Thats really kind of you to say.” She replied, smiling back at me. “What is your name again?”

“Starlight, and you’re Nat-mo, right?” 

“Yups! Nice to meet you.” She said, holding out her hoof. I tentatively held out my hoof as well, and we bumped them together in greeting. 

“Now to get you that book!” Nat-mo cheered, clopping over to a stack of books. 

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