Starlight's Story: White Space

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 White was all I could see, but...I thought everything was supposed to go black? Then a wave of pale blue and yellow gently floated across my vision. Then I heard a soft twinkling and I saw a pale glow of purple light. I found that I could stand up and move the colorful, shimmering curtain away with my hoof. I moved forward, my hooves not making a sound. The light shifted and curled, revealing the form of a mare with a particularly long horn and a long, shimmering pale carrot-blonde mane and tail that moved as if they were made of liquid. Her eyes fluttered open and met mine.

"Oh my Celestia..." she whispered, "Starlight?"

"Wait..." I replied...her voice... "Nat-mo?"

"Yes!" She cried, getting up. "What happened to you?"

"What do you mean?" I asked.

"You have a mane like princess Celestia!" She replied. I turned and saw that the curtain I had batted away was actually my mane.

"And-and you have one kind of like princess Luna." I said. "This is weird. Weren't we just-"

"About to be defeated by the Dark Royals and leave Equestrians in an eternal state of corruption and fear?" She answered, standing up and revealing a vivid turquoise mark on her flank. "Yups." I just gaped at her. "What?" She asked.

"Your cutiemark!" I squealed in excitement, prancing up to her. She looked back to see a circular symbol and gasped in excitement. I stared at it blankly, not knowing what it was exactly. "Umm...what is it?"

"It's the symbol for insight, makes sense since I'm the Thought Plain vessel." She smiled, then she gasped and threw herself at me, causing me to squeak in surprise. "You have your's too!" I looked at my own flank to see a bright pale blue star with smaller white, yellow, white and then blue stars layered on top of each other. "A star for Starlight."

"Seems pretty fitting." I smiled, flapping my wings and standing myself up. "Gracious my wings are huge." I commented, examining them. They were five times their usual size, almost like an alicorn's wings.

"They are huge." Nat-mo said, lightly examining them with her hoof, making me giggle a bit at the touch. "Wait a can fly and we have our colors back?" Nat-mo asked. "I wonder..." There was a flash of turquoise light and Nat-mo was behind me, sparkles from her magic falling about her.

"And you can use magic." I added.

"Where in Equestria are we?" She asked. We looked around together. The whole place seemed to be made of white marble, a large version of my cutie-mark carved into the ground where I had appeared and a large version of Nat-mo's cutie mark where she had appeared. There also seemed to be no dementions, we could seemingly go for ever in any given direction but down, where we were met with our own reflections staring back at us.

"Maybe we're dead?" I asked.

"What? No!" Nat-mo replied. "That's just silly."

"How do you know?" I countered. "Nothing in this place makes sense. We could be just ghosts."

"We are not ghosts!" Nat-mo replied, rolling her eyes and sticking her tongue out at me.

"How can you tell?" I argued, sitting down, growing frustrated by the second.

"Like this!" She singsonged, clopping over and rubbing a hoof up and down my side, causing me to burst into laughter and fall onto the floor, flapping my wings in an effort to get her to stop. She just followed me and continued giving me what to most ponies would feel like a soothing massage.

"Okay, okay!" I cried out in laughter. "I see your point!" With that Nat-mo stopped abruptly, giving me a chance to catch my breath, my wings twitching in time with my breathing. It wasn't until I'd recovered and sat up that I'd noticed that Nat-mo was staring at the star carving on the ground. "What?"

"The star started to glow blue when you were laughing your head off." She replied.

"Or!" I shouted when she raised her hooves threateningly. "Or, maybe it was because my wings were going at top speed, you said my power comes from my wings, right?" I said, clopping over to the star and opening my wings like the princesses, making my star seem to burn with pale blue light.

"Interesting..." Nat-mo said, approaching her symbol. "I wonder if I..." She stood on the symbol and engaged her horn, magic burning off of it and making her symbol shimmer. Then a small, glowing, blue star appeared on the floor in front of me. I tentatively placed my right hoof on it, Nat-mo doing the same with her Insight symbol. Upon stepping forward, another star appeared for my back left hoof. We followed the tracks until Nat-mo and I met, and a track with the symbol of insight over my layered star symbol. I looked up at her to see a translucent figure seeming to smolder with pure energy. I imagined that I looked almost the same. We moved in sync, putting our front right, back right, back left and front left hooves into each other. Then there was a bright light and I felt a strong surge of energy. The white room seemed to swirl and tilt, warping until we were floating above the crystal wall that had pulled us apart forever ago, the Dark Royals staring at us in fear.

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