Starlight's Story: Magic Muffin

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"Why hello there, I haven’t seen you around Pony Ville before!" She cried, bustling with excitement. "My name is Pinky Pie, what’s yours?" 

"Umm…Starlight." I answered, shrinking away, her outwardness making me slightly uncomfortable. 

"Well hello, Starlight!" She continued. "I couldn’t help but notice that you were sad, and I can’t stand it when my fellow ponies are sad! Come on, I know to cheer you up!" She said, turning and bouncing off along the path. I looked astound, not knowing if this pony was safe. My light blue eyes passed over the flower shop, and Rose was standing there, nodding at me. Having come to trust Rose, I lowered my head and galloped after the mare, who hopped towards a building decorated to look like it was made of cake. 

“Welcome to Sugar Cube Corner!” Pinky Pie exclaimed. “Here, come take a seat.” She said, pulling out a padded chair. I took off my saddlebag again and climbed up into the chair, having to flap my wings to balance. “Thats funny, most pegasi fly into the chair.” She said, trotting behind the counter. 

“Oh, really?” I asked out of genuine curiosity, also blushing and folding my wings back behind me in embarrassment. I didn’t take into the fact that ponies would be able to notice I was acting differently by not flying around.

“Yup.” She said, not picking up on my embarrassment. “Here you go!” Pinky Pie put down a type of bread with blue spots in front of me on a glass plate. I sniffed it. It smelled really good, making my stomach rumble, I still hadn’t eaten. “Well? Aren’t you going to taste it? Its almost like you’ve never seen a muffin before.” 

“Umm…I don’t think I have enough money to afford this.” I replied, looking down.

“Oh no, Silly! This is a gift, its on me!” She replied happily.

“Oh…are you sure?” I asked. 

“Of corse! Go on, try it.” I leaned forward and took a small bite of the bread and flavor exploded in my mouth. It was by far the best thing I’d ever eaten, it tasted sweet and it was warm as if it had just been made. I quickly took another bite, not able to help the smile that came across my face. “There you go! All better.” She said, lightly ruffling my mane. I quickly finished the so-called “muffin,” my stomach and mind soothed. 

“I’m glad I was able to make your morning! You’d better get going, or else you might be late for school!” Pinky Pie exclaimed. 

“School?” I asked, adopting a look of surprise. 

“Yeah, Silly!” She replied. “Yaknow, I don’t want you to go alone, I’ll go with you!” Pimky Pie said, putting on my saddlebag as I got down from the chair.

“Oh, thats okay, I don’t want to be any trouble I’m sure I can figure out how to get there on my own-” I tried, but Pinky Pie proceeded to edge me towards the door with her head. 

“Trouble? You don’t even know where it is! Come on!” She exclaimed, bouncing off outside the door and down the road. I sighed, stood up and galloped after her.

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