Starlight's Story: Shadow Thing

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"Do you have another item Nat-mo?" Miss Cheerilee asked. 

 "Umm...umm..." She stammered, desperately looking around. "You could use your sweater for an item." Miss Cheerily helped. 

 "" Nat-mo asked, her eyes adopting a look of fear. Miss. Cheerilee nodded in reply. "Okay." She whispered. Her horn started to glow with magic, but flickered out, her magic failing her. Instead of levitating it, she shakily took off her sweater and held it out in front of her. "This represents...inventions and crafts from...unicorn magic." She put the sweater on the purple blanket and clopped back to her desk without another word. The room was dead silent until Miss. Cheerilee began explaining the conclusion from the project. I looked to Nat-mo to find that she was staring straight ahead, her expression still wrought with fear. 

 When school let out everybody trotted over to get their things and left for the day. I clopped over and picked up my flower and apple and turned back to my desk to see Nat-mo still sitting there. Still staring off into space. I turned back and picked up her sweater and book, which was entitled Insight to Minds and Thoughtful Origins. 

I trotted back over to her and packed up my saddlebag. But Nat-mo was still sitting there, petrified. I put her sweater and her book on her desk. Still no movement. I looked where she was staring, and I could see...a sort of shadow, but we were the only ones still in the school house. I clopped over to it, intrigued. The three dimensional figure flickered as I neared it, reaching out my hoof to touch it when it suddenly disappeared. I heard a gasp and turned to see Nat-mo keeled over on her desk. I quickly trotted over. 

 "Are you okay?" I asked, putting a hoof on her desk. 

 "I am now." She replied, smoothing down her mane. "I don't understand." 

 "What? The book?" I offered. "No." She replied, putting on her sweater. "How did you make that go away?" 

 "Make what go away?" I asked. "You mean that shadow thing?" 


 "I don't know, I just saw you staring at it." 

 "But you could see it?" She asked, examining my every word. 

"Well...yeah." I replied. "You could." "But I thought it was all in my head. My mother said they were just nightmares." She said. "But can see them too." 

 "So we're the only ones that can see them?" I asked, mystified. 

 "Yes," She replied, "but you can make them go away." 

 "I guess so." I shrugged.

 "Come, I have something I want to show you." Nat-mo said, quickly levitating her things into her saddle bag, putting it on and galloping to the door as I quickly followed in her wake.

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