Being Helpful

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" So, Isaac tells me that you and Allison are the reason Boyd and Cora went into the school" I said casually as I looked at Aries and Oceanus. It was the weekend and we've officially missed the first week of school, I can't say I'm surprised.

" Yea, it was like when I tried to take her home she insisted that she drive. I was just tryna be chill about everything and then she pulled up to the entrance of the woods. She told me that she had to do something to help you guys so we helped get them into the school. Her dad can't know" Aries said that last sentence very seriously and I was surprised he's tryna protect Allison. " You know what? I have an idea, call her and tell her to meet us at lookout point" Ocean said as he got up and rushed towards the stairs, I followed after him.

" What're you gonna do?" I asked him as I grabbed his arm so he could face me. " Not me, we. We're gonna train Allison, or at least give her a little guidance. Grab a few staffs and blades" he demanded and rushed into his room.

" So I'm here why?" Allison asked a little confused when she looked at all of us. " A little birdie told us you helped us out the night at the school. So Ocean figured that we would help you train" I said and pulled out a staff. " We're here to give you a little advice. You're main weapon is a bow. So is mine, but usually I'm not using a bow, I'll use a blade. Do you know why?" Oceanus asked her as he walked towards the car and pulled out a stack of paper targets.

" You don't want to take the risk of running out of arrows. If you do and don't have any backups you could die" she sighed out, and watched as I picked up and threw a dagger at the tree, hitting the target. " Knives are good to have as well, if you know how to throw from a distance it'll be great" I said and leaned against the tree a little. I could tell Allison didn't want to be here but if Aries hadn't been there or if she had ran out of arrows, she might've been killed by Boyd or Cora.

" Now we've set posters around in sections of the woods. We'll be chasing you throughout the whole thing. Now it's like a game of tag, if we catch you, then you failed" Aries said, taking his turn to explain what was going to happen.

" Everybody knows it's harder to hit a moving target. We'll be putting that to the test. We want you to hit the bullseye while trying to not get caught by us. If you think you have all of them then you circle back around here. But try not to get caught" Ocean reminded her and I started to get a little excited, I haven't done one of these since I was 12 and we went back to New York for the summer.

" So what weapons do I get to use?" She pulled out her bow but waited for us to bring her arrows. We had given her specific instructions to not bring any. " We're getting to that. Remember there isn't a time limit on this. Take your time and be smart" I said and walked over grabbing a bag and tossing it at her feet, "we've given you a few arrows, a couple daggers, and a staff. What you choose to do with those in on you" I reminded her.

" So I only get a few arrows, while you guys get all your weapons? How's that fair?" Allison asked as she grabbed the arrows. " In the world of the supernatural things always won't be on your side, especially if you're human. We've decided to take it a little easy on you. We're leaving our steles here. That means we have no powers, just what we remember from training" Aries reminded her and Allison grabbed the bag.

" We're giving you a full 90 seconds to hide, figure out where you're at, and how to survive. Remember this isn't a timed game, just watch your surroundings" Ocean then started counting and Allison took off running.

" Doesn't this bring back memories?" Aries asked us happily, and I nodded. " Yea it sucked when it was my first time. We played in the dark and you guys were all after me" I told them as the images of me running and hiding cane into my mind. " We took it easy on you. You were the one who went all beast on me" Ocean reminded me but I held up my hand. "We've given her long enough" I said and walked into the woods.

Give your heart a break ~ Scott McCall Where stories live. Discover now