Part one 'Due South' - Prologue

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The old man woke up covered in sweat. He could still see the remnants of the dream before his eyes. He tried holding on to them, remembering them, but in vain.
When after a moment he was able to calm his breathing, only one picture remained before his eyes; a young woman clad in white, walking through the meadows of Hillon, his Kingdom. With the tips of her fingers she touched the grass. The sword she held in the other hand fell to the ground, as if by accident...
The old man laid his head back down on the pillow, knowing he would not fall asleep again. The sound of the sea coming through the open window would not lull him to sleep this time.

No, that's no time for sleeping, he thought and started creating a plan in his head. First time in years the old man felt hope in his heart.

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