𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗸 𝗻𝗶𝗮𝗹𝗹

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(sorry these stories arn't the best I try very hard)

Y/n pvo :
I woke up to the sound of nialls alarm going off, poor boy was complaining of a headache last night but I hope he is feeling better.

I felt him roll over and snuggle into my side so I wrapped my arms around his warm body and kissed his forehead and he hummed. I messed with his soft brown hair while he doze off back to sleep.

As much as I dident want to I had to wake him because he has to be in the studio in 45 minutes.

"Ni, babe time to wake up sweet heart"

He groaned and sat up "good morning princess" he croaked "good morning sleepy head" y/n giggled and leaned in for a kiss. "how's your head?" "soar" he groaned and leaned his head onto his pillow. "poor baby" you cooed and messed with his hair.

"do u want me to call the studio for you?"

There was a pause before he hesitantly nodded his head.

You smiled and got out of bed to get the phone in the kitchen.

Nialls pvo :
As soon as y/n left i started to feel really nauseous so I desided to stay still and hope it would pass. I heard y/n on the phone to my work and smiled. That girl would do anything for me I said to myself and grinned.

A few seconds later I heard footsteps coming back to our bedroom and y/n came in holding a glass of water and some paracetamol and she looked at me with a concerned expression on her face.

Y/n pvo :
I came back to our room after being on the phone to nialls management with a glass of water in my hand and opend the door to relele a pale looking niall with cute messy hair sitting in bed with no top on. I grinned but then took in how pale he was. I walked over to the side of the bed, handed him the water and medicine and sat down. I looked at him worriedly "Ni are you alright you look very pale baby"
He looked at me and shook his hean and croaked out "need to throw up"
I stood up quickly took the water from him, placed it on the bedside table, took the blanket off his legs, helped him to the bathroom where he fell to his knees and threw up his dinner.
The sight was heartbreaking watching the only man I have ever loved this weak and fragile.
Fighting back tears I got to my knees, rubbing his back and stroking his soft hair he trew up for another few minutes, holding on to tightly to the toilet seat that his knuckles turned white, until finally he got a break and leaned back into my open arms with tears in his eyes I placed a small kiss on his forehead and ran to get his water from our bedroom.
He gladly exepted the water taking small sips trying to get the horrible taste gone from his mouth.
I have never seen the love of my life this sick before you tought as you helped him sit up properly. It was really heartbreaking.
"can we go back to bed please?" he wisperd with almost tears in his eyes.
You nodded and helped him stand up and slowly walk back to bed.
You lifted the covers for him to climb under and you handed him his water to take the medicine you had left on the bedside table a few minutes before. He took them and thanked you before putting his head down on his pillow. You went around to the other side of the bed and got in, as you carefully snuggled closer to him and ran you fingers trough his hair. He hummed in response and you smeirked. You kissed him on the cheek and misajed his head and he hummed once agin.

After a while your fingers got tired and you relaxed back into your pillow. Niall squirmed his body closer to yours and rested his head on your chest as he looked up at you with his bright blue eyes and kissed your neck. You smiled down at him and wisperd get some rest baby. "thank you princess" his eyes beginning to slowly shut.
You rubbed behind his ear until you eventually fell asleep yourself.

You woke up at 2:30pm to find niall still asleep on your chest.
You could see he was sweating alot but the most you could do it try wipe it away the best you can.
You lay there on your phone scrolling through twitter and Instagram for a while before you say nialls eyes open slowly.
Good morning sweety you said and he smirked in return.
"ni babe I think you have a temperature you have been sweating alot" you said sadly
He groaned as he lifted his head up you wiggled out from under him and into the bathroom to get a temomother from the bathroom cabinet. You found it and walked back  to your bedroom and back to bed.
You held it up for niall to open his mouth and you placed it under his toung. A few seconds later it beeped and you took it out to read 102.4 on it you groaned and read it out. "that's complete bullshit niall huffed" and you burst out laughing "tHaTs cOmpLeTe bUlsHiT" you mimicked him as he huffed agin but cracked an adorable smile but then wined at a pain going trough his stomach.
You lay him back down and asked "where does it hurt baby?"
He pointed to his lower stomach and I put my hand down and started to rub small circles on his stomach and he instantly relaxed into my touch and smiled agin which caused you to grin and peck his lips with a small his and soon enough you were both asleep for the rest of the afternoon.

I doubt anyone is still reading this but if you are hope you have a wonderful day or night where ever you are in the world.. Keep smiling 😄 // A xx

Word count 1042 xx

𝗼𝗻𝗲 𝗱𝗶𝗿𝗲𝗰𝘁𝗶𝗼𝗻 𝘀𝗶𝗰𝗸𝗳𝗶𝗰𝘀 Where stories live. Discover now