Family 3 - Charlie Stressed

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Ellie & Charlie - 13- twins
Description :
This chapter is about Charlie getting stressed about his exams in school and hides it from his parents and they begin to worry about their 13 year old son.
Monday Morning
Charlie's Pov
*beep* *beep* I hear my alarm clock going off. I open my eyes and instantly close them again as a pain shoots trough my head. Great. I sit up slowly and walk to the bathroom. I stand in front of the mirror and take in my appearance. I look pale and tired. Truth is I was up all night studying for our exams which start today. But my parents don't need to know that.
I do my business and walk out of the bathroom and head downstairs to the kitchen where the rest of my family are and take a seat at the breakfast bar beside my twin sister Ellie.

"Morning char" she says eating her freshly made pancakes our mum had made."morning" I reply picking up my fork and taking a small bite of pancake. I swallowed thickly as it went down my throat. It only made me feel sick if I'm being honest.

"You alright Charlie?" Mum asks picking up Mya and Feeding her some pancake. "You look a bit pale sweety" I      breath in heavily and nod my head slowly feeling like I'm about to throw up any minute now. Mum smiles at me and continues eating.

I finish eating and head upstairs to have a shower and get ready. My stomach is making so fun noise. It feels like it needs to be emptyed or something. I dizzily walk into the bathroom, shut the door and turn on the shower. My head hurts so bad.

I take off my cloths, check the temperature of the shower and slowly move under the warm water feeling relaxed. I clean myself up and dry myself down. I suddenly feel the urge to use the bathroom my stomach still kills. So I quickly towel dry my wet blonde curls then use the bathroom hoping that it might relieve some of the pain. As I am resealing the inside of my stomach into the toilet I pick up my phone to look at the time /7:30/. I have to be in school by /8:00/.sh*t.

A few minutes later it finally dies down but my stomach and head are still in knots. I clean myself up and go get dressed. I brush my teeth and try make myself look presentable. This is going to be a long day.. I tought to myself as I picked up my school bag making sure I have all my papers and books for school.

My head spins as I walk down the stairs and I think to myself that I only have two exams today and the rest of the periods are just class as normal. So if I can deal with the two exams then I can maybe come back home and try feel better for the last two periods.

I walk into the kitchen being greeted by my mother and father and sit down beside them to wait for Ellie who is still upstairs getting ready. I look at my phone /7:45/ I sigh as I stand up about to call her but realise that would be torture for my head so I just walk upstairs and knock on her bedroom door "WHAT" I hear from behind the door "HURRY UP YOU HAVE TWO MINUTES" I call quietly enough so I don't irritate my head and loud enough for my sister to hear.

I walk back down the stairs, soon followed by Ellie running down after me with her hair and makeup done. I laugh "Who are you trying to impress? Shane?" I laugh as she rolls her eyes and trys to hide a smile. Yes, my sister and her friends all have a crush on my friends. I have a crush on one of her friends but she doesn't need to know that.

We say goodbye to our parents and little sister as we walk out of the house and wait for the school bus to arrive.
About tree minutes later it arrived and me and my sister got on. She went to sit beside her friend and I went to sit beside my best friend Shane. We always sat beside eachother everyday.
"Hey char" shane smiled as I sat beside him. "Hi Shane" I said putting my bag on my knee.
We start talking about random stuff and before we know it we are at school.

The exams all felt like a blur as my head was spinning and my stomach was in knots. I was so so tired. I haven't felt like this in about three years and I just felt like crying so bad. I cant belive I'm saying this but all I want is to cuddle with my mum and dad.

The exams are finally over and I feel so relieved. I just told Shane I dont feel well and I'm going to go home. "hope you feel better soon mate" he says to me and I try to smile. I get up and go to find the teacher to tell her. "Are You alright Charlie?" she asks "mrs I don't feel well" I say and she looks at me "you don't look very well either bud, c'mon I'll ring your parents"she smiles as I follow her to the office. She talks on the phone with who I make out to be my mum for a couple of minutes then she says goodbye and hangs up. She walks over to me and tells me that my mum is on her way. I smile and thank her.

She shouldn't be too long as we only live less than a 10 minute drive away.
"Sit down Charlie" the teacher says and I take a seat. Suddenly the bell rings. The bloody bell is right beside me and it is so bloody loud. A piercing pain shot trew my head and I cringed slightly trying not to make a scene in front of the teacher who was sitting in the office chair. It was kind of awkward not going to lie.

I honestly felt like death and I havent been sick in so long. Outside the window of the office I could see my friends walking inside from break. I saw my crush. Alanna. She looked gorgeous today. Her hair was perfectly wavey and her skin was glowing. And oh my god she had the most perfect smile I have ever seen. Wow.

It was getting awkward between me and the teacher. All you could hear was us breathing and her shuffling some papers around. I couldn't be more happy when I heard my mum knock on the office door. I just wanted  to go fricken home to bed. And sleep. My mum smiled at me as I stood up and walked over to her. The teacher got up and started talking about me to her for about five minutes. I stood there impatiently. I honestly felt like I was going to be sick right then and there. My home classroom was right down the hall and that's where my class were.

Two minutes later I knew I was about to throw up and stupid me dident think of running to the toilet. I tried to get my mums attention but it was to late. I leaned over and started to get sick everywhere. It was horrible. I heard my mum and teacher panic and try help me. To make matters worse when I looked up Alanna and her friend were walking down the hall in my direction and in just standing there surrounded with vomit. Honestly FML. Just FML.

My mum rubbed my back as her and the teacher started to clean up the mess I made. This is so embarrassing. Alanna walked past me and into the girls bathroom.

A few minutes later it was all cleaned up and my mum rubbed my back. She lead me out to the car there I sat in the front seat and leaned my head against the window. Mum got into the car and start driving until we got home. We went inside and I just collapsed onto the couch. My mum came and sat beside me and I leaned into her. She put her arms around me and I hugged her. I havent hugged anyone in about two years and it felt so good.

My stomach felt like there was knives stabbing it. The pain became overwhelming and tears filled my eyes. I have cried but not in front of my mum since I was like 8.
"oh baby come here sweety, is it your stomach?" she asked holding me tighter and I nodded. She kissed my forehead and I relaxed but tears still streaming down my face.

"have to go to the bathroom" I said quickly as I untangled myself from her arms. She smiled and nodded as I ran up the stairs into my bathroom and locked the door. I pulled down my pants and sat on the toilet quickly before I had an accident. It hurt so so much. I felt so dizzy. So so dizzy. I used all my strength to stand up and clean myself up but when I was finished drying my hands the dizziness took over my head and i fell to the ground-.............


part two up tonight hopefully xx

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2021 ⏰

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