Chapter 11: 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝒶𝓈𝒾𝓉𝑒

Start from the beginning

Randall jumped from the roof to my displeasure and landed right by Hamish who claws at the kid. "Lilith!" Randall called.

"Hold on!" She roared back. Tundra started focusing on the chains. I knew in my gut they wouldn't hold for long. I held Tundra's arms down, trying to slow him. He struggled and bit at me.

"Maybe I should help," Randall suggested, but Delta growled at him, teeth bared. He held his hands up in surrender. "Alright." Lilith came rushing out of the den, a bowl of dust in her hand.

"It was a lot harder to make then your sister let on." Lilith hissed, hopping over the wild Hamish. She grabbed a handful of the gray dust and threw it directly into Hamish's face. The wolf sneezed before face planting into the ground. I held him a little longer, making sure he was out.

"It worked," Randall said, a smile on his face. I shifted down, holding my still bleeding shoulder.

"It won't hold for long." I gritted out. "We need to move me fast. Before the Silent Sisters find us."

"Are you not healing?" Lilith asked, something like concern in her eyes.

"I'm fine. Come on." I shifted, making my already bad pain flare. The two Knights looked to one another before shifting themselves. Together, we pulled Hamish-Tundra's unconscious body through the woods.

Vera met us in the driveway, a bowl, and a book in hand. Her gray eyes were wide as she took the four of us, still in wolf form, in. "Fuck--" I shifted down, shouting in pain. "Nora," Vera said, all but dropping her things. She grabbed hold of my shoulder, making me groan in pain, and looked over my wounds. "Shit...shit!" She hissed.

"I'm fine. Please, help him." I said gesturing towards Hamish. Vera seemed to be fighting herself. "We don't have much time, Vera. They'll find him--us--in a matter of minutes."

"Fine. You two." She pointed to Lilith and Randall. "Hold him down. He's not going to like this." They obeyed with a growl. I watched, fighting back my pain, as Vera read from her book.

She said some fancy magic words and Tundra's red eyes snapped open. He struggled against his packmates, roaring. Vera picked up the bowl but paused. She couldn't get near Tundra without getting her head bit off.

With a groan, I shifted, all but sitting on Tundra's neck. I grabbed his snapping muzzle and pulled it open. Delta and I both roared as pain shot through, not only our old wounds but the new ones on our hands.

Vera made quick work of pouring the nasty smelling liquid down Hamish's throat. She backed away and I let go of Tundra's muzzle, his jaws snapping closed. Hamish thrashed a few more reliant times before going still. I shakily let go of him, shifted, and fell to my knees. The pain was blinding. The Silent Sister's spell must have made it so any wound he inflicted wouldn't heal. Randall and Lilith shifted down, coming to my side.

"She isn't healing."

"Fuck!" Lilith hissed.

"Get her inside," Vera said, rushing into her house. Lilith gathered me in her arms and followed after my sister. Before we went in, I caught a glimpse of Randall helping a shifted Hamish up. Lilith laid me on the white couch, careful to place me on my stomach as to not hurt the wounds on my back. A fuzzy blanket was thrown over my butt and legs.

"Thank you." I gritted out. Lilith gave a curt nod.

"Any time." Hamish rushed into the house a moment later, guilt and panic on his face. He was by my side in seconds.

"I'm so sorry--I-I couldn't control myself--" I opened my hand for him to take it, he did.

"I know. It's okay." Hamish shook his head. "When this is all over, you can make it up to me by making me a drink." A weak smile came to Hamish's face.


"Move!" Vera commanded, shooing Hamish away. "And please find something to wear. You all might be animals, but I am not." Vera knelt next to me, stirring some gross looking green goop. "You've got blood on my brand new couch and covered my hardwood floors in dirt." She said, dipping a large leaf into the goop.

"And you bought a plant with my money." She placed the first leaf on my bite wound. Burning pain shot through me. I couldn't help but shout. "You own me." Soon, all my wounds were covered in green goo and leaves. The pain didn't last long and before I knew it, Vera was throwing the leaves away. "Brand new." She gave my sore back a little pat. Before I could even begin to tell her how thankful I was, a sound cut through the air.

It was the sound of metal on metal. Of sword banging on shield. The sound of death.

The Silent Sisters had found us. 

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