Lisa's worry-filled-eyes tares at me. "Jisoo wait."

"Go back inside. You have to finish the try outs." I told her.

She just stared at me. I can feel her warm breath. "Why did you leave?"

"I wanted some fresh air."

"Jisoo," She hold both my hands in hers then looked at me in the eyes. "That was nothing. I didn't know—"

"What?" I pretend to not know what she's talking about.

She opens her mouth to answer but someone shouted her name. We both look at the source of the voice, confusion evident in her face. The owner of the voice is none other than Nancy. She jogs to us.



"Scoot over, I can't hear them." I told Irene who seems to have an infinite source of popcorn.

We're all hunched over the Gym's door looking at Lisa and Jisoo through the slit on the door. If you're wondering how hard it is to fit five people by the door is, it's very hard. we look like a totem pole. Seulgi was kind enough to offer us some cookies she baked while we watch the real life drama in front of us.

"I wanna see too." Joy suddenly appears behind me, pouting.

"What the hell? Aren't you taking over the team?" I asked.

"I told Yeji to do it." She smile as if she did a good job.

At the corner of my eye, I thought I saw a person walk by the end of the hallway. I choose to ignore, we have more important things in hand. Just a few paces outside is Lisa and Jisoo with Nancy approaching them.

"Why'd you leave, Captain?" Nancy said in a irritatingly sweet voice.

"I have something to take care of." Lisa bluntly said.

"But I want you to take care of me." Nancy comes closer to the two. Jisoo remains a straight face but I know she's already pissed off.

"You still don't get it do you? Lisa's not into you." Jisoo crossed her arms.

"And who are you?" Nancy asked to which all of us behind the door gasped to, even Yeri.

Jisoo only lifts an eyebrow and said, "Excuse me?"

"You heard me. Why do you care if Lisa's interested in me or not? Last time I checked, you two aren't dating." Nancy backfires.

Wendy dropped her jaw, Seulgi did the same thing but some popcorn fell off of her mouth. Due to my nerves, I got some popcorn and cookies then ate them both at the same time. Stress eating. We can all see the redness in Jisoo's face.

My cousin then grabs Lisa by the arm and kisses her lips. That's when I regret eating those popcorn and cookies because no I'm choking.

"Are you okay? Do you need CPR?" Joy rubs my back. I wave my hand at her and said no. "Are you sure? Cuz I can totally give you a really nice CPR."

I choked more.

Jisoo pulls away from the kiss, she puts her arm around the waist of a surprised Lisa. The latter just kept touching her lips and looking like she just went to heaven, maybe she did though.

"That's how you know if someone likes to be kissed by you." Jisoo almost shouts at Nnacy before walking away with a still shocked Lisa in tow.

Seulgi hands Yeri 20 dollars.

"You bet on this?" I asked.

"Yup. I said 20 bucks they will kiss." Yeri explained as if it's nothing.

"I said they won't" The Seulgi Bear pouts.

What the hell? I wish I should've thought of that. 20 bucks is 20 bucks.

Then the door opens, all of us falling forward to the cold ground. Well, all of us except Irene and Yeri, I'm convinced that they are the demons themselves.

Joy fell on top of me, it's fine at first but 5 minutes already passed by and she's still here. She appears to have no plans in getting up.

"Uhm, Joy? Let me go." I said.

"No." She replied.

"I'm cold. The pavement is cold."

"I'll keep you warm."

The other Kappas just stands there around us while eating the surviving popcorn. Irene even took a photo of us, she said she'll use it as blackmail in the future. Please someone help me.


Notes: Short update for now. Next update will be long.

P.S. You guys think Jisoo is jealous? Where are they going?

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