Sweet Escape

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[Rosé's POV]

After three knocks, an intimidating tall girl opened the door and eyes me from head to toe. Her eyebrow arching up as if to question the intrusion.

"Is this the Kappa House?" Lisa and Ellie watches me carefully, their eyes peeking through a small bush near the entrance.

I keep a charming smile on my face, at least I hope it's charming cause I can feel the corners of my lips shaking.

"ROSIE!" The girl squeals.

She hugs me like a fan meeting her idol, and I don't know how to respond so I just tap her on the back.

"That's me." I said.

Holding me at arms length, "I'm Joy. And welcome to the Kappa House!" She said as if endorsing a product. "What brought you here?"

Before I knew it, I was spacing out. I wonder how the girl changed from a Draco Malfoy to a Ron Weasley in a split second. The tips of her chesnut brown hair is touching her shoulders. The grin on her face is cute but her body, oh boy that body, is like Aphrodite's. The way it curves as it occupies the space of the door frame is so attractive and yet so effortless.

The sound of a frog snaps me back to reality. The frog actually sounds like Lisa, or maybe Lisa just sound like a frog and I just realized it now. And it comes again, an angry frog. Then it hit me, I asked them to make a frog sound as a secret call, you know... spy stuff. They actually argued that a crow is easier to imitate, but I insisted that frogs are more common at this hour and place compared to a crow.

"Yo! Kribit!" Did Lisa just say that?!

I gotta get my head in the game, James Bond won't be proud of me in this performance. Thankfully Joy didn't notice the rapper frog sound.

"Do you have a slot for another pledge?" I said, batting my eyelashes for extra effects.

Joy's eyes sparkled "OF COURSE!" She said too loud that I fear my eardrums would burst. "I thought having two pledges from the Elite Foursome is great. But having three? That's incredible!"

I flinch at the mention of 'Elite Foursome'. Joy ushers me inside and closes the door.

Spy time.

Hiding beneath my hair is my bluetooth earpiece while in a call with Lisa and Ellie, you know, spy stuff. The plan is to locate the Unnies and bust them out.

"Now entering the premises." I whisper to the earpiece.

"Yeah, that's not necessary, we saw you enter the place" Lisa said

"Let me have this." I reply.

"What's that?" Joy asked while leading me through the maze of hallways.

"Nice house." I said.

"Glad you like it." Joy's eyes smiles along with her lips. A cute expression in contrast to her sexy demeanor.

I bite my nails a I worry about Jennie, and how she's holding up. I know she's a strong one, but there's only so much one could take. I remember that incident with Tom, her face emitts a stoic expression but her hand is shaking under my grip.

Looking around, I notice the interior's fancy decorum. Some sections of the house are sweet and pastel while others look sleek in black and white. High ceilings constantly decorated by chandeliers. If I wasn't on a secret mission, I would love to appreciate this building more.

According to Ellie, Kappa is the most famous sorority in the university. They host the best and wildest parties. Aside from that, they're a talented bunch, especially in music. Inthink they're also talented in the kidnapping area.

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