The President

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[Ellie's POV]

I'm the type of person who wakes up at 6:30am if my class is 7am. But sometimes I enjoy breakfast before class, and one of those times is today. I just finished eating, now I'm resting on the couch, sipping my hot coffee while reading a manga. Lisa's in the kitchen, she came in earlier, she said she'll cook Jisoo some breakfast. The low sizzle of meat getting fried brings calm to my ears.

On the other hand, I can hear Jisoo's voice from the bathroom, probably talking to Uncle Kim.

"No! Stop asking me questions like that. I would tell you if I do. Okay Dad. Bye. Love you!" She steps out of the bathroom. Her hair still wet.

"What'd Uncle say?" I ask.

"Same as he always ask. If I have a boyfriend." She walk towards the kitchen. "Who's cookin---"

Jisoo stopped on her tracks when she saw Lisa's back turned to her. The Bangs Girl is only wearing a sleeveles white shirt, subtly exposing herback muscles. She turns around, smiling at my cousin.

"Unnie!" She said.

Jisoo's still frozen in time, her mouth open, saliva dripping, eyes staring.


I look back at Jisoo, yup, she's still dreaming. I take another sip of my coffee, watching their interaction. Even better, I took a picture of the scenario.

Lisa gets a small piece of celery, throws it at Jisoo. Still nothing. She gets the whole branch of celery and throws it again at Jisoo.

"Ow!" Jisoo shouted, rubbing the area where she was hit. "What are you doing here?"

"Cooking you breakfast."


"Well, you said you wanted to come with me to the Student Council President's office, so I thought I'll get you something as a 'thank you'. We'll eat together and go to the President together! It's perfect!"

I've seen enough drooling and flirting for today. I got my tumbler of hot coffee and started making my way outside.

"Who could be the Student Council President, haven't heard of him or her before." Lisa wonders.

"Me too." Jisoo replied. "Hey Ellie, do you know who--- Ellie?"

That's the last thing I heard before closing the door behind me. A liitle further down the hallway and I come across Jennie, Chae, and Kuma. Rosé's hand is around the other girl's waist while talking and giggle to each other.

"Hi Ellie! You're out early." Rosé asked.

"I'll check on something. How about you two?"

"We walked Kuma out." Jennie smiled.

"I'll go ahead." I bid them farewell as they walk hand in hand together.


[Lisa's POV]

The clock ticks in sync with my heartbeat. Jisoo, Sean, and I are waiting outside the Student Council President's office. We haven't said a word to each other but I don't mind because nothing good come out of his mouth anyway. Unnie holds my hand and occasionally squeezes it as reassurance and in those moments, my heart might've beat 3x faster than the clock. Her cherry scent taking over my senses.

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