Try Outs

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The park is almost deserted, most of the students are in the library because exams are coming up. At this particular time of the term it's more peaceful to study in the park than in the library or cafés. I'm busy reading my notes when out of nowhere the wind starts to stir and I hear 'Kiss and Make Up' by Dua Lipa out of the blue.

I look around expecting a particular group of girls to appear, and I was right. The 'Elite Foursome' as Joy would say are walking down the grassy path in a natural slow motion while the wind is blowing their hair in a perfect commercial type of way. By now I should be used to this, how these girls defy the laws of physics and reality. But it's not easy considering how inelegant my hair fights with the wind.

"Hey Ellie!" Lisa's loud voice nearly damages my eardrums as they arrived.

"You guys are up to no good and I don't want any part in it." I said not even looking up from my reviewers.

"Aw, come on. it'll be fun." Rosé whines.

"There's a small bazaar in the Uni Square. We want to check it out." Jisoo said.

"You? Wants to go to the bazaar? That's a miracle." I said.

"Lisa asked her to go." Rosé winks.

"That's disgustingly sweet." I said.

"I know right?" Jennie rolls her eyes. "You should see them in class, handing out notes even though they're sitting next to each other."

Lisa and Jisoo turns red as Joy's lipstick... wait what? Anyways, There they are again, having some distance between them while Jisoo's sucking in her cheeks trying to surpass a smile. Lisa on the other hand switches from standing on her heels to her tiptoes. Annoyingly adorable, I can't help but sneer at them.

"Come with us." Jisoo finally said.

"Can't." I said, despising the thought of being a 5th wheel for the Nth time.

"You can ask Joy to come with." Rosé suggested.

Between being a 5th wheel and having a triple date... no thank. "Don't wanna."

"I'll treat you Pizza." Jisoo said. I squint my eyes at her. "Hawaiian Pizza."

"Let's go!" What can I say, it's my weakness.

Despite being pre exams period, the bazaar is almost filled with students. It has all sorts of things from food, to make up and to other things. Jemmy pulls us to a Mac Make up stall as soon as she saw it.

Seriously, I don't know anything about make up so I awkwardly stand there and watch them. Jennie picks a shade of lipstick and tries it on her arm. I think she tried 2 lipsticks per second. She even growl, literally growl, at a student who was going to pick the shade she had her eyes on.

"Babe, can I borrow your arm?" Jennie sweetly asks her girlfriend.

"Sure babe." Rosé is more than happy to lend her arm to jennie as a human tester. They both stand close to each other discussing about shades I didn't even know exist.

Jisoo stares at the couple then gets a lipstick as well. "Limario! Can I borrow your arm?"

"Sure!" Lisa gives her arm out.

Jisoo takes it, cradling it on her hand. The gesture makes me groan internally. I just want a quiet life away from these lovebirds. Maybe Jennie's plan worked a little too well, but not enough for them to actually confess to each other. Jisoo is a Kim, Uncle would say. I look around, just anywhere else but these cheesy people.

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