Well Played

425 33 26


"What was your plan again?" I asked Joy.

"I have no service. My plan is only achievable if there's phone service." Joy is on the verge of throwing her phone. Me too, actually. Without any way to contact the outside world, we're stuck here. I can't even call Rosé.

1 minutes left.

"We're doomed. We're all gonna die a meaningless death here. How cruel the world could be. I'm gonna die a virgin!" Lisa over dramatically says. She keeps on leaning back on walls like some 1950's actress do in movies.

Then a static sound bursts in the air.

"Is that a radio?" Yeri asked.

"It's coming from your pocket." Teri simply points at my jeans.

"Really?" I said and fished the device out of my pocket.

"Eagle 1? Eagle 1 copy?" Oh I know who this is. I never thought I'd be this happy to here Eagle 2. It's a walkie talkie. Rosé's the only one that's into these kind of stuff. Girl thinks she's James Bond or something.

"Eagle 2, this is Eagle 1" I replied, almost cried.

"Where the fuck are you?" Rosé said.

Before I could answer, Joy snatched the walkie from me. "Chaeyoung can you put Irene on the walkie talkie please."

"I.. yeah." a few seconds later, a voice comes again.

"Hello?" It's Irene.

"Unnie! Code Red. Create commotion." Joy said as if she's some military man.

"Got it." Irene said.

"That buys us some time." Joy said.

"Yeah. but time to what? We can't open the door." Yeri said.

"Oh shit, I forgot to tell them where we are." I just realised it the moment Joy said it. The play might be dalayed, but we're still doomed.

Then when the walkie speaks again, It's neither Irene nor Rosé.

It's Jennie.

My stomach crunches and I think to myself if it's better to just stay here forever than to face Jennie.

"Where the hell are you? And why is Irene making Rosie do an interpretative dance in apple costume as an intermission number?" I can hear the bite in her voice.

I think hard of a way to say it to Jennie without making her mad. So my brain decided to say, "Eagle 3? Is that you?"


"I'm Eagle 2." I don't know why I said that, my mouth just went autopilot and I know I'm digging my own grave.

"Ellie we don't have time! Where's Lisa?"

"We're locked up in the decor room!" I blurted out.


"Sean locked us up in here. I think he'll go on stage as Prince Charming."

"That intolerable testosterone." Jennie mumbles a few more curses. "Wait for me." She said.

Oh things are about to get ugly.


"Can any of you dress Lisa as a Prince?" I asked but I was met with silence.

"I can't even dress myself up." Yeri said.

"I'm better at undressing." Joy said.

"Okay. Totally unnecessary information." I said.

Lisa is still a useless dramatic actress at the corner. I look around the dimly lit room. There are lots of decoration materials but no costumes. We're doomed. This is doomed. Then the doorknob pops and the door bursts open. We all look at Jennie by the door frame, holding a hammer.

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