Chapter 9

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Don't think about it...

Ben told himself, desperately trying to concentrate his thoughts on his feet pounding on the ground beneath him. He really did try not to think about it. He tried not to think about her soft sighs, or the gentle rustle of the sheets, or how her breath quickened and caught in her throat as she came, and he tried not to focus on how she had whispered the barest notes of what he thought might have been his name as she broke apart. Then waking up with his arms around her and realising he must have sought her out in his sleep... it was all... too much.

He ran faster, harder, he sprinted until his calves screamed and his body was drenched with sweat. It still wasn't enough. There was still an ache inside that couldn't be soothed by exercise. He knew what he needed, and she was in his bed right now. But he couldn't think like that. It was dangerous.

He stopped running and took some deep breaths as his chest burned in protest. He bent forward. Beads of sweat dropped onto the grass underneath him. His thoughts travelled back to the night they had spent together. Her skin against his, her warmth seeping into him, igniting his soul. He had thought her an angel, too good to be touched by the likes of him. Now he knew Rey wasn't perfect. She was as flawed as he was. Did that mean he wanted her less? No. It made it worse. So much worse. Now she wasn't a marble statue to be admired. She was flesh and blood, something he could hold onto. Someone he could protect from the world that had failed her. She needed the securities he could provide for her. Sure, she could take care of herself, that was very clear, but Ben wanted to be the one look after her. She deserved to be cherished but would she be happy in his world? She seemed to be effortlessly slipping into the role of his wife. Everyone loved her.


He stood up straight and ran a hand through his hair. These were hazardous thoughts. He needed to keep his eye on the prize. The goal was the promotion. He didn't need all these extra complications in his life and he was sure Rey didn't need them either. He started back towards the house, trying to ignore his traitorous heart as it beat faster in his chest with every step that took him back to her.

Rey had showered and dressed and sneaked on as much makeup as she could without trying to look like she was trying too hard. She couldn't stop thinking about the dream she had had. After taking care of herself and finally falling asleep, she had woken up to find Ben wrapped around her, after that, her dreams had all revolved around Ben burying his head between her legs and making her squeal and squirm with pleasure. She had woken up utterly turned on and thoroughly frustrated. So the sight of Ben returning from his run panting and dripping with sweat did nothing to quell the bone deep need she had for him. She tried her best to conceal it.

'Good run?' she asked, wondering why her voice was so squeaky.

Ben nodded. 'Yeah, it's much more peaceful out here and no need to worry about someone running you down.'

'That's what I've been saying, this place is far superior to the city.'

'In your opinion. The city affords me opportunities this small town could not.'

Rey rolled her eyes. 'Go shower,' she ordered him.

Before I jump into your arms, you big, sexy bastard!

Ben headed to the bathroom while Rey walked Chewie. The air was good. It helped her clear her head somewhat. What was she doing? She was acting like a schoolgirl. She was a seasoned con artist. She knew better than this. Never get involved with a mark. It was bad business. She stood to make a lot of money out of the deal. She had to keep her feelings out of it.

'Stop fucking around,' she muttered to herself.

When she returned to the house, Ben had changed into jeans and a crisp white shirt. Her body instantly set aflame at the sight of him and she cursed herself for being so weak. She unleashed Chewie and cocked her head at Ben, letting her eyes run over him as he sat casually on the sofa reading the newspaper.

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