Chapter 8

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'I got you this.'

Ben tossed a box over the kitchen counter. Rey hadn't even heard him come in, and she didn't count having objects carelessly thrown at her as a nice way to find out he had arrived. Okay, they weren't really married but would it kill him to act civil?

'Hello to you too, hubby. How was your drive?' she said sweetly, turning around to face him. How was it possible he could look that good after a long, sweaty drive from the city? It wasn't fair.

'Fine.' Ben replied. He looked more awkward than usual. Rey turned back to the box on the counter and realised it looked suspiciously like something that might house some rather important jewellery. Rey picked up the box and opened it. Inside she found an amazing diamond ring and a matching wedding band. She looked at Ben, her mouth a perfect circle.

'Ben they're beautiful.'

He avoided her eyes and ran a hand through his hair.

'Yeah well. If you're going to be my make believe wife you need to look the part. You can't keep using my mother's hand me downs.'

Rey smiled at him.

'Your mother's hand me downs as you call them are beautiful heirlooms, but these are truly breathtaking. If I had all the rings in the world to choose from, I think I would choose these exact ones.'

That had been the right thing to say. He finally met her eyes. Rey pondered her next move. She wanted to ask Ben to put the rings on for her, but she couldn't think of a way to broach the subject that wouldn't make her seem like a love sick idiot...

Suddenly, almost as if he had sensed her desire, Ben plucked the rings out of the box and walked around to her side of the counter. He held out his hand, and she placed hers in his. With his free hand, he slipped the rings onto her finger. His fingers brushed hers briefly before he let go of her. Rey looked at the sparkling diamonds on her finger.

'These are probably worth more than I could make in a lifetime,' she observed.

He didn't correct her.

Oh, boy.

'What about you?' she asked.

'I got myself one too.'

He pulled another box out of his pocket and pulled out a simple white gold band.

'Do you want to...'  He trailed off.

'Yes, I can do it,' she said, hurrying a little too swiftly to get to his side. He put out his hand and Rey pushed the ring onto his finger. She tried not to remember how those hands had felt when they were all over her body. Tried and failed.

'Now it's official,' he said in a low voice. Rey just nodded because her throat had gone dry and she found she couldn't speak.

They looked at each other. This would usually be the moment when a normal engaged couple would embrace, kiss, maybe even have sex. They would talk about the future, make plans together, but they weren't a real couple, they were just playing a part. She looked up at Ben, desperately pleading him with her eyes. If only he would grab her and kiss her and tell her he really wanted her. He just had to say the words and she would be his. Ben opened his mouth and Rey leaned towards him hopefully.

'I'm... I'm going to take a shower,' he said, turning away from her.

Rey watched him go with a sad expression. Well there was her answer. He wasn't interested. She started to unpack the Chinese food Ben had brought. Preparing to reheat the containers when Ben returned from his shower. Hopefully they could at least eat together.

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