Chapter 10

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'Is that her?' Hux asked, peering through the glass door of the restaurant. Rose was sitting on a stool by the bar in a petty floral dress. She looked around nervously and checked her watch.

'Yes,' Rey replied, glaring at Armitage, expecting an insulting remark to tumble from his lips.

'She's a vision,' he blurted out, as if he had tried to hold the words in but they refused to be silenced.

Rey was momentarily taken aback. She hadn't expected that at all. She looked up at Ben who was watching Hux with a crooked smile. Rey started to relax. Maybe the evening would be fun after all. Armitage entered the restaurant first, then Ben who made sure to hold the door for Rey as she entered. She tried not to melt at the gesture.

Jesus, Rey, he only held a door for you! Get a fucking grip!

They walked over to Rose and she grinned at them, hopping off her stool to give Rey a big hug.

'Rose, this is Armitage,' Rey said when they parted. The two shook hands.

'It's nice to meet you,' Hux said.

'Likewise,' Rose replied.

A very cheerful waiter in a red waistcoat appeared from nowhere. 'Reservation for Solo is it? Let me show you to your table.' They followed him through the maze of busy tables to a booth at the back of the restaurant. He handed out their menus and smiled with all his teeth.

'I'll give you a minute,' he said before rushing off.

Rey's mouth watered as she perused the menu. She wanted one of everything. Ben leaned over to her.

'You want it all, don't you?'

Rey looked back at him in surprise. Did he really know her that well already? She smiled at him and tried to decide on a response.

'So what's everyone ordering?' Hux asked.

Ben turned his attention to his work colleague. Rey suppressed a growl. Armitage sure had a knack for interrupting just at the right fucking moment.

'I think I'll have the steak,' Ben said.

Of course he would. Big animals like him needed red meat to feed those glorious muscles... was she drooling? It felt like she was drooling. What was she doing? Oh yes, choosing her meal.

'I'll going to have the risotto,' Rose said.

'Oh, yes that sounds good. I'll have that too,' Hux said closing his menu and smiling at Rose. Well at least he seemed to really like her and so far he was not acting like a huge jerk.

'I don't know what to have,' Rey said with a pout.

All of a sudden Ben took her hand in his and brought it to his mouth. He kissed it gently.

'Don't worry, sweetie, I'll share mine with you then you can have the best of both worlds.' Then he dropped her hand and studied the wine menu as if nothing had happened.

Rey stared at him. Was he even conscious of what he had just done? Did he have any idea how soaked her underwear was right now just from that small intimate gesture?

'Aww, you two are so cute,' Rose said, looking at them both.

Rey remembered they had an audience and blushed. 'Yeah... we're still in the honeymoon stages, aren't we darling?'

Ben turned to look at her and nodded, then returned to the drinks menu. The waiter came and took their orders and Ben made a fuss about the wine selection. Rey rolled her eyes. Her usual wine of choice came in a box so she didn't really give a shit if the 'bouquet didn't fucking sing right' so long as it got her good and drunk.

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