⚝Chapter Eight⚝

Start from the beginning

Aang leaned forward with a look of alarm on his face. "My staff!"

Konno patted her side to find her bag still attached to her hip. She let out a sigh of relief as Sokka crawled onto Appa. Aang leaped off of Appa with an airbending move.

"What do they think they're doing?" Konno asked, gesturing toward the two crazy people.

"I don't know," Sokka replied. 

An anxious line burrowed across his forehead as he watched Katara bended a jet of water. She froze a soldier's halberd, who was surprised that she did that. As she ran, she scooped up the box of scrolls on the stump and ran with it hugged to her chest. She dodged blasts of fire before running up Appa's tail. 

"You're crazy!" Sokka said, crossing his arms over his chest. "You could've gotten hurt!"

Konno winced. That reminded her of when her and Yue were still together. When Yue was still alive. They had a similar conversation when they split up at the Northern Watertribe. They both didn't get hurt until they were back together. That was when Yue decided to sacrifice herself for the Moon Spirit. She didn't get hurt, per se, but she did die. 

Konno clenched her teeth as the grief flowed back into her heart again. It flowed like a river straight through her walls, slicing through her heart. But she didn't want to be like that again. Never again. She didn't want to lose herself in her grief like she had. But it was so easy . . .

Suddenly, Appa flapped his tail, taking off from the ground. Katara shoved her down as a fireball passed above them. "Thanks," she said in a rush.

"You're welcome," Katara answered with a small smile.

"Wait, my boomerang!" Sokka yelled, pointing to his boomerang on the ground below. It kept shrinking and shrinking as Appa flew higher and higher.

"There's no time!" Katara told him.

"Oh, I see," Sokka said angrily. "There's time to get your scrolls and time to get your staff, but no time for my boomerang?"

"That's correct!" Katara said cheerfully.


Sokka seemed very sad that he couldn't get his boomerang. His shoulders drooped as he gazed at his retreating boomerang. Konno felt bad that they left his boomerang behind, but she didn't want to go back for it. She was scared to fight against the men because she didn't know how to fight. However, the last time a man came at her, she killed him. Nothing could wash his blood from off of her hands. 

She gazed out at the land that flashed by below them. Navrek would have loved this. He would've loved to ride Appa and travel the world with her. But he didn't make it. He didn't survive, so she was traveling without him.

"Are you okay?" Katara asked her, touching her shoulder.

Konno looked at Katara. Her face was blurry for a second, but her eyes focused on the worried look on Katara's face. "What?"

"You look sad."

Konno pursed her lips. "Yeah. I am sad. I have been for a long time."

Katara looked like she regretted that question. "I'm sorry," Katara said quickly. "I couldn't imagine losing Sokka. Especially after losing our mother."

"You lost your mother?" Konno asked. However, she remembered that Sokka had mentioned something like that to her at the swamp. She didn't say that to Katara because she felt like it was a sort of secret between her and Sokka.

Katara nodded, a far-off look in her eyes. "Yes."

Konno assumed that Katara didn't want to talk about it anymore. She didn't blame her. It was probably a traumatic experience for her, just like losing Yue was traumatic for her. Konno didn't know that Katara and Sokka lost their mother. That was something else she had in common with them.

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