⚝Chapter Six⚝

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Konno didn't know what she wanted to do with her life. She knew she wanted to make a difference in this world, whether it be at the Northern Water Tribe or somewhere else. She wanted to shine the light of love on the people of this world, just like Yue did when she was alive. The light Yue still shone in Konno's heart, spreading through her veins. 

She gathered her stuff into her bag. Her hands faltered when she saw the single, broken turtle seal. It looked sad and lonely all by itself. The shards were cold to the touch, and she quickly stuffed it into her bag. It reminded her of herself, sad and lonely without her sister. She was broken in shards that wouldn't ever be put back together correctly. However, she would be put back together. It would just take some time. And then she would be imperfectly perfect; all her shards would allow the sunlight to poke through, spreading the love that Yue gave her.

Konno pulled Sokka's parka around her shoulders and buttoned it up. The warm air pooled around her cheeks and neck where the fur sat. However, she didn't want to carry it anymore. She wanted to wear it, to hold him close. It was the last thing she had from him, and she bet it was the last thing of his she would ever have. She doubted that she would see him again. He had more important matters to attend to. She wasn't that important to him. 

She really wanted to be fine with that, but she wasn't. Her heart quivered when she thought about him. A different feeling spread through her when she pictured him than when she thought of Navrek. Almost unconsciously, her fingers touched the necklace that was around her neck. She hadn't taken it off since she lost him. She hadn't taken her bracelet off, either. They reminded her of a different time in her life. 

Konno slung the bag over her shoulder and started walking away from her tree. It had been a nice home, but she needed to go somewhere else. She had been alone for such a long time, yet she was terrified to be in the presence of another human being.

Suddenly, a voice echoed through the clearing. Her head swiveled around, but she brushed it off. She had seen visions before. She saw Navrek. She heard Sokka. It wasn't anything real. It was all in her head.

"Katara!" the voice shouted again. "You think you're so tough, huh?"

However, that sounded so real. So vivid. So . . . Sokka. Konno peered through the branches and vines near her, and her eyes nearly bugged out of her head. Sokka was there. He was actually there, so close that she could reach out and touch him. Her heart clenched at the sight. The last time she saw him was when he left the Northern Water Tribe after Yue died. She didn't know how to feel with him here in the flesh.

"Hello?" he called out, stalking farther away from Konno. Her hand reached out after him, but he turned around just as quickly. "This is just a trick of the light . . . swamp gas . . . I hit my head running away last night. I'm going crazy."

He turned around again as a voice floated through the air. She couldn't place who it was, but it seemed to affect him negatively. He seemed frightened as he walked toward whatever he was seeing. His hand reached out toward something before yelling something. Konno jumped at the sudden outburst of noise, and she stepped backward. A twig broke under her foot, and Sokka's eyes flicked toward her. He held out a machete, saying, "Who's out there?"

Konno didn't make a sound. She held her breath as he stepped closer to her. His eyes met hers for one second before they moved on. A frown worked its way onto his face, and his shoulders drooped. "Of course Eimi and Yue were visions. That was it. Yue is gone, and Eimi is back at the Northern Water Tribe. It's all in your head, Sokka."

Konno hated seeing him like that. Even if she didn't like the feelings coursing through her, she still hated seeing him like that. She was real. She knew she was real, but he didn't. Against her better judgement, she stepped out of the vines and branches and said, "Sokka, it's me."

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